DCO seedlings available this fall


5 year old buck +
Kansas Forest Service has DCO available this year it looks like guys. I’ll be ordering at least 25 myself probably for the new farm it’s definitely got some rocky arid areas that DCO should love. I’ve got a 7 acre area coming up in ERC that I’m planning to leave alone for some winter cover but scattering 25 DCO in that area certainly couldn’t hurt.

Looks like a good place to buy trees. Thanks
I grew a few DCO from seed. I was shocked how young and small they were when they produced the first nuts!
I grew a few DCO from seed. I was shocked how young and small they were when they produced the first nuts!
How young?
How young?
I'm not sure I recall exactly. I can't remember if I kept them on my deck in rootmakers for 1 growing season or two. I think it was one year after I planted them in the field. They were more like bushes, not much more than knee high.
I have them naturally occurring on my home 35 and last year at maybe 5’ tall one produced at least 24-30 acorns and it was the first year I knew it was there so I’m unsure when it may have started dropping acorns. I poisoned a honey locust very near that DCO last fall and it’s looking a little ill this year hopefully I didn’t kill it in my zeal to eliminate honey locust trees. At my place they are more like small trees than bushes and occur on the rockiest driest crap areas where you wouldnt think a tree should be growing except maybe ERC.
Wowzer, $3 each for containerized DCO's is a great price!
Please keep us updated when these go on sale. Any idea when that will be?
Of all the DCOs we have planted most of them still hover in that 8-10' tall range after a few years. They do typically start bearing acorns for us by year 3 or 4 though.
Please keep us updated when these go on sale. Any idea when that will be?
Website should say. We order typically for Spring planting so not sure how the fall sale works time wise.
Website should say. We order typically for Spring planting so not sure how the fall sale works time wise.
It says coming soon. I typically like to plant in the fall here in Alabama, it gets hot so quick here.
I have them naturally occurring on my home 35 and last year at maybe 5’ tall one produced at least 24-30 acorns and it was the first year I knew it was there so I’m unsure when it may have started dropping acorns. I poisoned a honey locust very near that DCO last fall and it’s looking a little ill this year hopefully I didn’t kill it in my zeal to eliminate honey locust trees. At my place they are more like small trees than bushes and occur on the rockiest driest crap areas where you wouldnt think a tree should be growing except maybe ERC.
Rocky and dry sounds perfect for my property. Might have to grab a few if shipping isn't crazy expensive for them.
September 1st is when they usually start sales
How do they do in heavy clay soil?
I'm not sure I recall exactly. I can't remember if I kept them on my deck in rootmakers for 1 growing season or two. I think it was one year after I planted them in the field. They were more like bushes, not much more than knee high.
Jac are these air pruning containers on your deck? I recall you saying that probably a few times. I have been saying I was going to do this for cuttings for some time.. my guess is when you transplant these to their permanent locations you have amazing lateral roots that really help the young trees survive.
How do they do in heavy clay soil?
I have heavy clay. They are growing slowly, but as long as they are producing acorns, I don't care.
Jac are these air pruning containers on your deck? I recall you saying that probably a few times. I have been saying I was going to do this for cuttings for some time.. my guess is when you transplant these to their permanent locations you have amazing lateral roots that really help the young trees survive.

Yes, I started them in 18s, transplanted to 1 gal RB2 containers and then to 3 gal RB2 containers. All trees I've grown this way have an amazing number of terminal roots when I plant them in the permanent locations. I sold all my rootmaker stuff last year. I'm getting to old to see the fruits of my labor with trees I'd be planting at this point. I got enough trees planted while I was growing them from seed to work well for me.


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That’s a smokin deal !! Also …$3 for a Shumard Oak ?? Very good price !