D and DH- Summer 2015

I still wonder if Steve, Batman, or the dog does the work.
Both Brooks and the dog are sitting down and Steve is obviously running the camera, are we 100% sure anything got done???
I'll bet the dog got some exercise.
This picture looks dam fishy to me. Clean clothes, cropped beard, new helmet, new ear muffs, new face shield, new gloves, new saw.......WTF is going on? Is brooks the new centerfold for "Chainsaw Monthly".;)

That's steves saw. He only uses it for pictures. It does not even have an engine or gas tank. When I told him the bar was upside down he said "LHITS is his account and my input was not requested."

So I sat on the log with my dog pondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.
That's steves saw. He only uses it for pictures. It does not even have an engine or gas tank. When I told him the bar was upside down he said "LHITS is his account and my input was not requested."

So I sat on the log with my dog pondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.

Where do you guys rent the props and the dog from?

I need to get a better outfit for foggy with the rain dances, better yet a different dancer.
I agree that is an amazingly realistic background. Impressive green screen. How do you make it look like you are sitting on a log? I can't believe no ear protection for the dog. PETA has one more thing against you now Brooks.
That's steves saw. He only uses it for pictures. It does not even have an engine or gas tank. When I told him the bar was upside down he said "LHITS is his account and my input was not requested."

So I sat on the log with my dog pondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.

Am I the only one that sees this picture and thinks both Batman and the dog are thinking the same thing......, "Squirrel!":D