D and DH- Summer 2015


5 year old buck +
page 37 features a picture of a forum member.....

It ain't Robin, it's????
The joker?? :)
I don't have the issue but I would put my eggs in Steve's basket.
My guess would be Batman
the caped crusader?
Somebody needs to scan it or find a way to post it!

I'll have to stop by the rag rack at wal-mart just to look I guess.
The batman light was turned on in Gotham!!!
The saw sitting next to him looks brand new...fire it up:D
A superhero with his trusty companion and .......a chainsaw?o_O

I figured they would have blurred his face to protect his identity!
If its me I signed no release and will be targeting the pub for an ice cream cone. Or 2. Damned Bartylla and his camera. Guy comes up like he is gonna sweat and build and he hides behind 'THE FLASH'
It was me. I submitted it with the article I did for that issue, but they stole it, put it in someone else's article and then filled mine with stock photos (as a side note, that pic they used on page 51 of the doe Dan literally turned into swiss cheese is something you don't see in print often...I count 5 arrow holes) . I accidentally took a pretty good pic on the Brooksy shot. It's rare that I like any of my own pics, as I'm really not much of a photographer. Sure, Brooks being in it hurts the quality, but the dog cancels that out.
Does the dog at least get some royalties? :)
If its me I signed no release and will be targeting the pub for an ice cream cone. Or 2. Damned Bartylla and his camera. Guy comes up like he is gonna sweat and build and he hides behind 'THE FLASH'
This sounds like the story about Tom Sawyer painting the fence. Batman did not catch on until now... Steve must have the middle name of Sawyer.
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The dog like ice cream but is lactose intolerant. There will be repercussions. Pink mice in boots. Toenails in the oatmeal. Turkey poop on the steering wheel. Etc.

Its on.
Odd that you should say that. I was packing for an 8 day bulldozing in the woods trip I'm leaving for in the AM. You know those Easton hoodies I wear so much? I was packing one, felt something in the pocket....turned out to be 1 single deer pellet. It somehow stood up to the wash and then was hardened from going through the drier. I know I didn't put it in there and honestly couldn't think of who would...until I read that. Sad days are these that a "friend" would stoop so low...Oh, and I think I still have you beat in trees cut dept and I may even have you in rocks picked on that place. I know you were smart that one day and stayed on the tractor, as I played rock collector.
Will someone scan it already and post it.
Where is the protective gear for the dog?