CWD found in MI

Lots of places are still recovering from EHD. It's really hit and miss as to where is affected more heavily.

As for it being high DPSM, I'd say it's a relative yes.

As for this being some part of a "bogus science" I'd say no. If it were bogus science, the scientific community would have already internally cauterized it and labeled these individuals as outcasts.

With regards to the managing of it, I think the baiting ban is good, and I think that thinning the herd a bit is good, but I on't think it needs to be a complete decimation. Increase tags, but don't overdo it (I know I know... easier said than done).

Does anyone know what counties the baiting ban will stretch into?

From what I've read the counties of Ingham, Clinton, and Shiawassee will be observing a baiting ban. Also a 9 township core area will be allowing unlimited OTC doe tags, I'm betting if that doesn't thin the herd to their liking more drastic measures will be taken.

Along with those stipulations a mandatory check will be required for all deer shot in the area, I can't recall if it was just the core area or all 3 counties.

It will also be illegal to possess a roadkill deer in the area, and all will be collected for testing.

There were a few other changes but I can't remember them off hand.

In hindsight I nearly purchased a house with a small piece of property in the core area last winter, after this I'm certainly glad that I didn't. But then again who knows how far this could spread on the coming years.
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If it is true it takes 3 years for infected deer to show symptoms, could it be that higher testing incidence is due to older animals testing positive?

I killed a buck in NE 10 or 15 years ago in an area of incidence and it made it to my freezer then to the trash. Would not feed it to my family with no testing.

Do all infected deer test positive or only those with years of infection?
My one and only elk ended up in the garbage after spending one year in the freezer. I just could not feed it to my family without testing. Our area turned positive the year I killed the elk and we did ntoknwo it until after processing the elk.
Whack all the deer and you have none is a reality,

Don't do much and you have no deer has not happened.

I was on the dark side on this topic asking where are all the trail cam pics of these infected deer I read about. Crickets.

Was stated it takes 3 years for an infected deer to show signs. I would venture less than 10% of my deer are 4 years old. Likely much lower.

In my state of ignorance it would seem numerous 3 year old and under deer would be better than 6 - 9 deer per square mile.

Brooks- That is what we will all face in the future.. Low to moderate deer numbers and a deer herd of young animals. It is actually just about what I have in my area right now.

QDM and QDMA as an organization will have a hard time defending their management in infected areas.