Cuddeback's Cuddelink

My cell home has been acting up. It had been sending images from 8 cameras with no problems up until Saturday. Sunday and Monday I didn't receive any reports or images. I stated earlier that it happened once before but straighten itself out I guess. Well all of a sudden 10 minutes ago I received an alert with 27 images along with a report. All connection s are good and the report has the correct dates as if it never stopped sending. And get this 10 minutes after I received the first batch it resent the same 27 images a second time. Is anybody expericing this issue?

Sent from my Android Tablet FT7 using Tapatalk
Thanks Fred...50 - 60 feet? The are advertised as 100 ft sensing range (at least the powerhouse modules are)....Why does tipped down make a difference?
Well actually they are advertised as 100 ft flash range. I've never seen any Cuddeback propaganda where they claim any sensing range and frankly that's for good reason. Sensing range is highly variable depending upon camera setup angle, animal size, air temperature, etc. In the dead of summer here in Oklahoma we can have 95 degree temps hanging on until midnight which can drop the sensing range of most cameras down to 20 ft or less, but once it finally cools down into the 80's the range will pick back up again. Here is a link to a Cuddeback tech note on PIR sensing that is likely 95% 'old hat' to you but a careful read may shed a little new light for you especially as to Cuddeback's take on why they don't have a sensitivity selector. It's an older tech note but still worth a read. But the long and short is that the ideal set for long range sensing is waist high with the camera pointed straight out. Tipping the camera down too much can really shorten the sensing range. I hope this helps some.
Well actually they are advertised as 100 ft flash range. I've never seen any Cuddeback propaganda where they claim any sensing range and frankly that's for good reason. Sensing range is highly variable depending upon camera setup angle, animal size, air temperature, etc. In the dead of summer here in Oklahoma we can have 95 degree temps hanging on until midnight which can drop the sensing range of most cameras down to 20 ft or less, but once it finally cools down into the 80's the range will pick back up again. Here is a link to a Cuddeback tech note on PIR sensing that is likely 95% 'old hat' to you but a careful read may shed a little new light for you especially as to Cuddeback's take on why they don't have a sensitivity selector. It's an older tech note but still worth a read. But the long and short is that the ideal set for long range sensing is waist high with the camera pointed straight out. Tipping the camera down too much can really shorten the sensing range. I hope this helps some.
You’re exactly right Fred, I’ve never seen Cudde advertise sensing range but they do advertise flash range.
Does anyone know if the G-1385 HOME (being used as a repeater) will work with the solar panel? If so, I assume I would need to discard the rechargeable AA batteries that come with the solar panel & purchase rechargeable D cell batteries
it will work but you need the aa adapter that hooks into your home unit.
My cell home has been acting up. It had been sending images from 8 cameras with no problems up until Saturday. Sunday and Monday I didn't receive any reports or images. I stated earlier that it happened once before but straighten itself out I guess. Well all of a sudden 10 minutes ago I received an alert with 27 images along with a report. All connection s are good and the report has the correct dates as if it never stopped sending. And get this 10 minutes after I received the first batch it resent the same 27 images a second time. Is anybody expericing this issue?

Sent from my Android Tablet FT7 using Tapatalk
I am having the same issue. I just installed my setup Friday and got two emails Friday. Saturday I got four emails of pictures that day at 25 picture queue setting. Since then I have barely got one email a day and it’s been at 4 am with the report. All cl counts look fine. My cameras are setup at a lease I can’t travel to check. Just curious if that means the pictures are not making it to the home system? Or perhaps they are on the home system just not getting emailed? I am new to the system and thought something wasn’t right but I’m seeing same timeframe of issues as you.
I am having the same issue. I just installed my setup Friday and got two emails Friday. Saturday I got four emails of pictures that day at 25 picture queue setting. Since then I have barely got one email a day and it’s been at 4 am with the report. All cl counts look fine. My cameras are setup at a lease I can’t travel to check. Just curious if that means the pictures are not making it to the home system? Or perhaps they are on the home system just not getting emailed? I am new to the system and thought something wasn’t right but I’m seeing same timeframe of issues as you.
if you have at least 7.3 or 7.4 firmware on your cell home it is current. if you are receiving a report each day and the home image count matches the remotes all images are getting home and being sent. The cell home will send at least one email per day right after the report is built. Even if the batch number is not met for that day. My pic count went down this weekend as buck stopped visiting scrapes as much and were just in seek mode.
I really like the theory behind this system. As it is designed, it would work perfect where I live on my 340 acres. Was intending on jumping in with both feet, buying myself a Christmas present. I personally know one person who was running this system but had problems. Seems like a lot of folks on this thread are having problems of some kind. That is not totally expected with new products and technology.

But, These posts are getting scary now. I already have enough to do without babysitting my game cameras. I believe I will wait another year and see if the problems get ironed out.

I do have the latest version on my cell home 7.3, but for some reason i stopped receiving a report at 5am. I am sporatically getting the report with images between 6 & 7 pm sometimes later. Then it sends it too me twice back to back. I set it for a batch of 25 every 8 hours.

Sent from my SM-G925R7 using Tapatalk

I do have the latest version on my cell home 7.3, but for some reason i stopped receiving a report at 5am. I am sporatically getting the report with images between 6 & 7 pm sometimes later. Then it sends it too me twice back to back. I set it for a batch of 25 every 8 hours.

Sent from my SM-G925R7 using Tapatalk
option should batch or hour, not both. you can contact Cudde directly with your cell home name and your name that is on the plan, they can look at your cell home and see what its activity has been remotely.
it will work but you need the aa adapter that hooks into your home unit.

Is this the adapter you are referencing "Battery Pack Model 9016" ( it only houses (8) AA batteries) and I assume this "Battery Booster Cable Model 9038". And this would allow me to utilize the Cuddeback CuddePower Solar Kit ( the ones that I purchased for my J-1415 cameras came with (12) rechargeable AA batteries)
Is this correct?
Is this the adapter you are referencing "Battery Pack Model 9016" ( it only houses (8) AA batteries) and I assume this "Battery Booster Cable Model 9038". And this would allow me to utilize the Cuddeback CuddePower Solar Kit ( the ones that I purchased for my J-1415 cameras came with (12) rechargeable AA batteries)
Is this correct?
#3518 is th style number for the adapter but it holds 12 aa's and allows the g series cams to work with the solar kit. they are in stock as of today. the solar kits are not, so one would need to find a solar kit in order to use them together. There are some dealers that have a handful of solar kits. PM me for a contact .
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John have you heard when the shipment of the devices will be available last time I thought it was about 2 weeks
John have you heard when the shipment of the devices will be available last time I thought it was about 2 weeks
which device are you referring to?
#3518 is th style number for the adapter but it holds 12 aa's and allows the g series cams to work with the solar kit. they are in stock as of today. the solar kits are not, so one would need to find a solar kit in order to use them together. There are some dealers that have a handful of solar kits. PM me for a contact .
Just checked the website and the #3518 is not listed.
The home plus unit
The home plus unit
mid to late november on this - i will pm you a dealer that has them in stock now - please not this unit works only as a home or repeater at this time. It doesnt sync with a pc yet but will once the USB cord is finished and firmware is finished.
On a separate and more important note -- was your hunt successful John?
On a separate and more important note -- was your hunt successful John?
Yes it was , I sat 6 days dark to dark in some interesting weather and had over 50 encounters with younger deer and finally connected on the last night of my hunt on my target buck. he was the oldest deer on the property, I estimated him at 4 1/2. He is my widest buck at 21” inside and has 5” mass measurements. we nicknamed him “ Holyfield “ since he damaged his ear in a fight with another buck and had several very deep gore wounds in his neck. Back to the grind for me! View attachment 214035FD8150C-5798-4EEF-A43A-8529E8AAF914.jpeg621AD579-E0DC-4D82-99FF-4B03417F3DA9.jpeg0F7E0A2D-5F82-416B-A971-B167D4F867AD.jpeg


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Yes it was , I sat 6 days dark to dark in some interesting weather and had over 50 encounters with younger deer and finally connected on the last night of my hunt on my target buck. he was the oldest deer on the property, I estimated him at 4 1/2. He is my widest buck at 21” inside and has 5” mass measurements. we nicknamed him “ Holyfield “ since he damaged his ear in a fight with another buck and had several very deep gore wounds in his neck. Back to the grind for me! View attachment 21403View attachment 21406View attachment 21407View attachment 21408
Great buck John, congratulations!!