Thanks for posting those 12pointer.
For some reason the metadata has been stripped from the before picture but the after picture is intact. Go figure.
The first thing to note is that you're using firmware v.6.0 and there is an update to v.7.0.0 available on the Cuddeback website at It is probably best that you update all of your G models to v.7 cause that may take care of your problems. Even though the instructions on that page say you don't have to unzip the downloaded file, upgrades never work for me unless I unzip the directory and just put the file needed (cdy_1200_1_0_0.fw) on the card.
The report you're getting that doesn't show the remotes being on external power is bogus for some reason (maybe addressed in the firmware update?). Below is the data that the camera is carrying in the last picture... it's recorded in the "Comments" field of the exif data and is recorded with each picture taken so the information provides a means of totally auditing the condition and performance of your camera through time:
BI=1860,CF=Enabled,EX=Centered,ID=FOOD PLOT,LO=001,SM=ADV,DD=10sec,DI=1,DV=OFF,DL=OFF,ND=10sec,NI=1,NV=OFF,NL=OFF
From the above data we can see that at that point in time the picture was taken the BL=7467 (battery level or voltage was 7.467 volts), BS=Ext (battery source was external), BD=120 (battery run days were 120), and BI=1860 (handicapped battery images on these batteries was 1860... 1 per day pic and 5 per night pic handicapping). The internal batteries run the camera as a six volt system and the external pack runs the camera as a nine volt system, so since your voltage is too high for internals and the camera itself is recording that it's running with externals, the report is clearly in error. It will be interesting to see at what voltage the external pack gives up the ghost and switches over to the internals.
That's just the quick run-down. If you want more info on what the other stuff in that data string means, I'll be happy to fill you in on what I know (or what I
think I know

). I personally think that any serious Cuddeback user should know about this information... how to find it, how to use it, etc because you can often self diagnose issues or put your mind at ease whatever the case may be.