I think you're absolutely correct in equating the J model cameras and G (Dual Flash) model cameras. I'm pretty sure that the internal components (lens, CMOS, PIR sensor, etc.) are identical in both models so it would stand to reason that the two models would have very similar image quality. The only place where they part ways is in the flexibility, or adaptability, of the G model. If a person knows for sure that red or black J model cameras will perform to their liking in the setups they plan, then by all means take advantage of their economy. If, on the other hand, you have some more demanding sets in mind that may benefit from the increased power of either the Power House IR flashes or the Double Barrel white flash then the G model might be a better choice for those sets. But under any conditions, short range or longer range, more light on the subject will result in better overall image quality... the issue being whether or not the gain in IQ is meaningful enough to you and worth the price of entry. I'm the kind of person that can't decide which color of white socks I want to wear today so I naturally gravitate toward the flexibility of the G's. :)