I wanted to share some success i had last week as a result my Cuddelink network. I was hunting a farm on the second to last day of my vacation, while in the stand I had a text come thru with images of this buck on another farm. It was the first time we had images of him, two images 15 minutes apart and then another after dark on the same timber edge. That evening my good friend (who is also an owner of a large archery shop/bucks and bulls stevens point in wi) and i looked at the aerial and he told me there was a ladder in between the two cameras but it hadn't been used in at least 5-7 years, the next day was my last day so i decided to give it a try. I walked in to the stand at gray light so i could look over the ladder. It wasnt ideal but i deemed it safe enough and climbed in. I discovered my shot windows were
very limited but settled in. About 8 am, i had some nervous does near me and i saw the buck for the first time. The does scurried away when he approached and he followed , never getting closer than 70-100 yards. At 10 am, i had a single doe come from the direction he left and he was 100 yards behind her. For some reason, he stopped and disappeared. I stared in that direction for 20 minutes but he never showed. I went back to watching everywhere and just before 11 am i looked up and he was coming right at my tree at a fast pace!I barley had time to get ready for the shot as he turned down a trail at 10 yards and went broadside. I was able to find a small hole to shoot thru and made a good hit on him and watched him stop 40 yards out, walk another 10 yards and finally went down for the count. He's a bit lopsided

, but a very unique buck and i was thrilled to take him! The mass on his left antler exceeds 6-7" in the beam and his g2 is 13". He had what appeared to be an old front foot injury and according to someone nearby had had the malformed right anFtler for a while.
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