Cuddeback's Cuddelink

You were correct to use the "Clear" command to delete old pics... actually it formats the SD card which is what you always want to do when you put in a new card. But it's pretty easy to forget to comfirm the "Clear" command by pushing the up or down arrow to finish off the job before moving on. The "Clear" command will not clear your settings, it just formats the SD card.

What is the benefit of formatting the SD card? I have never done this in all the years I have ran cameras. I run different brands and swamp cards out. I need every card to work in every camera. If I format a card to a cuddeback will it still work in a covert camera?
What is the benefit of formatting the SD card? I have never done this in all the years I have ran cameras. I run different brands and swamp cards out. I need every card to work in every camera. If I format a card to a cuddeback will it still work in a covert camera?

It depends upon the brands and maybe the models of the camera in question. I know if I take an SD card from my Wildgame camera and put it in one of my Browning cameras, the Browning cameras will be lucky to take a couple of pics in a week vs hundreds. Not sure why but it messes it up. Anytime I have my SD cards around my computer, I will always reformat them. Most of the time anymore though I have a card reader that plugs into my phone so I simply download them and put the same card back in the camera.
It depends upon the brands and maybe the models of the camera in question. I know if I take an SD card from my Wildgame camera and put it in one of my Browning cameras, the Browning cameras will be lucky to take a couple of pics in a week vs hundreds. Not sure why but it messes it up. Anytime I have my SD cards around my computer, I will always reformat them. Most of the time anymore though I have a card reader that plugs into my phone so I simply download them and put the same card back in the camera.
Exactly cspot!

You can also have card readers corrupt cards or if you pull a card while the camera is trying to write it can get corrupted. Reformatting each time just makes good sense and might save you trip back out. I also take advantage of Cuddeback's "Arm" menu each time before I leave. You can scroll down slowly past the point where it first starts a 30 second countdown and check various camera parameters. If the card is corrupted it will usually say "No SD card". But further down below that it will show images on the SD card and space left on the card which should all comport with what you were expecting. The last menu item is a walk test and I stop there each and every time to button up the camera and walk test it to make sure it is sensing correctly before I walk away. Within 5 minutes the camera without fail will arm itself and you will be assured that all is well.
Regarding time of year and signal, as summer has worn on I did observe an increase in times the morning report failed to send. My network is in an area where cell signal can be spotty, I placed my home unit on top of a ridge and 12 ft above ground level in an effort to maximize signal. In early June I started to have fails to send the morning report. Early July I replaced the Home antennas with the high gain version, problem solved. Over the past 4 days the morning report started to fail, and it got sent in the evening along with all pictures. Today was the first day ever in 75 days on this system/batteries that I failed to get any report at all. Kind of curious considering much more moderate weather in all aspects than earlier in the summer. Batteries continue to report OK on all cameras, and OK on the external pack on the home camera. We'll see what tomorrow brings...Overall still VERY happy with what I get from this system on a property 90 minutes away.
last night we had a thunderstorm blow thru just before sunset, the skies were lit up in red , orange and pink - i was lucky enough to get this image transmitted . Ill definitely be pulling this card for the hi rez image at some point! T_00014.JPG
You were correct to use the "Clear" command to delete old pics... actually it formats the SD card which is what you always want to do when you put in a new card. But it's pretty easy to forget to comfirm the "Clear" command by pushing the up or down arrow to finish off the job before moving on. The "Clear" command will not clear your settings, it just formats the SD card.

From the report it looks like the only cam you have running is the K camera as a stand-alone cell cam. Is this correct? If so, did you turn off the Cuddelink radio or do you have it on and the K camera set to "Home"? Either way, the only restriction of the number of pics emailed by the camera is controlled by the "Delay" setting chosen in the camera settings... there is no CL Delay option when in stand alone-mode. Even though it makes no difference whether you leave the CL radio activated or not, it seems to me that all you will do by leaving it on is waste battery power with the CL radio running with no other camera to talk to, but I could be wrong here. A second advantage to turning off the CL radio while in stand-alone mode is that you will then get the option to email thumbnails, 1meg pics or full rez pics.

Edit.... Just looked at a picture of the K cameras and realized it doesn't have a selection slider on the PIR like the G models... It's permanently set at narrow by design, so please disregard this last paragraph! It doesn't apply!

But none of this addresses your real issue of empty pics. Most likely it is a issue in the camera, but if you have left your PIR selector down (wide sensing area) it is quite common when critters are about 10 or less from the camera to get triggers before the animal enters the frame, and depending on your delay setting, followed by a more centered pic or no second pic at all if the delay is high and the critter moves on through. The wide setting on the PIR generally won't hurt you if have a fast delay set (FAP) but can kill you if you have a long delay.

Edit.... Just looked at a picture of the K cameras and realized it doesn't have a selection slider on the PIR like the G models... It's permanently set at narrow by design, so please disregard this last paragraph! It doesn't apply!

Looked back in one of my emails from CS, the sensor’s and lenses are the same for G & K models. They come equipped with the wide angle. Cudde sells the Center Angle lens. I have some but haven’t tried them yet.

My brother and I were looking through pics from 12+ different cameras of various brands. There were many pictures with no animals that we could see. They all do it. I get a few on my K & G’s and my other brands as well. Most people complain of lack of sensitivity on Cudde’s. I would not worry about a few, but if most are empty, I would definitely do something. From your report, you’re only averaging 3 pics/day. How many are empty? The sensor can pick up IR through that thin grass. You would never see a rabbit in there but the sensor might. The sensor is more sensitive up close. In these pics, there is no way to relate it to camera problems.

If you have any problem with any electronic device, 1st thing to do is to let system re-boot by removing all power for about 10 mins.

I would relocate camera to a different tree pointing in different direction. Another thing, have it secured to tree when you Arm the camera, let it stabilize or calibrate itself (about 1 min). It has to establish a starting base value between the 2 sensors. Do not stand or move in front of camera during this process.
This thread has become a lot to handle,

Can i ask a newbie/schlub question?

I am going to run a cuddelink system with a cell home base.
Where I plan on setting the home base is at the cabin that used to be an old house. they have a tv tower thats about 30' high. I'd love to run a coax up the pole and an extension down to the house. Anyone know what diameter/fittings I need for a cable hookup? I've got the height, figured I may as well use it. And it's not gonna be a failed erection... I'd never admit to that...
This thread has become a lot to handle,

Can i ask a newbie/schlub question?

I am going to run a cuddelink system with a cell home base.
Where I plan on setting the home base is at the cabin that used to be an old house. they have a tv tower thats about 30' high. I'd love to run a coax up the pole and an extension down to the house. Anyone know what diameter/fittings I need for a cable hookup? I've got the height, figured I may as well use it. And it's not gonna be a failed erection... I'd never admit to that...

What you gonna connect to coax?
What you gonna connect to coax?

The anteana... 1 end to the home base, the other to the antennae at the top of the pole.
Is the auxiliary power port on the back of the K camera a 9v input like the G and J?
The anteana... 1 end to the home base, the other to the antennae at the top of the pole.
You have 2 antennas, one is for camera to camera transmissions (think walker-talkie) and the other is for cell transmission (cell phone). There are some external cell antennas. The radio antennas are trial and error, mostly error. Google antenna theory. It’s pretty deep.
You have 2 antennas, one is for camera to camera transmissions (think walker-talkie) and the other is for cell transmission (cell phone). There are some external cell antennas. The radio antennas are trial and error, mostly error. Google antenna theory. It’s pretty deep.

Cell antenna is what I'm after. We'll be well within camera to camera transmission. but cell service is spotty and would like to help my cell service as much as possible.
Cell antenna is what I'm after. We'll be well within camera to camera transmission. but cell service is spotty and would like to help my cell service as much as possible.

Get the high gain antennas, if you don’t have them already. I’ve talked to people that use the Spypoint external antenna with success. Use the search feature on this thread. Lots of good information.
Is the auxiliary power port on the back of the K camera a 9v input like the G and J?
It is. I hooked up the 3358 to mine and it powered with no internals.
It is. I hooked up the 3358 to mine and it powered with no internals.
I thought it was but wanted to double check. I have 2 solar panels charging a 12v battery stepped down to 9v plugged in to mine.
Cell antenna is what I'm after. We'll be well within camera to camera transmission. but cell service is spotty and would like to help my cell service as much as possible.

Why not just put the home unit up on the tower? They don't require much maintenance, with a solar panel, in full sun, it may run perpetually without being touched.
I have a duel cell and 3 G ir cams with solar panels in a box in the hall. Haven’t even opened them yet.
Got tired of waiting for the home to PC cable. I don’t plan on deploying them until I’ve got them somewhat figured out in the yard.

Wish me luck :emoji_wink:
I have a duel cell and 3 G ir cams with solar panels in a box in the hall. Haven’t even opened them yet.
Got tired of waiting for the home to PC cable. I don’t plan on deploying them until I’ve got them somewhat figured out in the yard.

Wish me luck :emoji_wink:
Nothing to it, just follow the directions.
I thought it was but wanted to double check. I have 2 solar panels charging a 12v battery stepped down to 9v plugged in to mine.
Nothing to it, just follow the directions.
Put some batteries in one of them and start getting familiar with it while sitting in the recliner.