Crow hunting?

He went to court for it. He said while he waited on his case there was a gal who was there for her 3rd DUI and the guy right before him got pulled over for doing 45 through a 25 mph school zone. He gets up and the judge asked what he did, he says “I shot a crow.” The judge looks at him expecting more in disbelief, looks at the warden who says, “your honor, there is a season.” Judge looks back “DISMISSED!” He goes to Canada a few days later.

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Lol! Good job judge!
ILL has a 4-month season; starts Oct 28 and end Feb 28. Unfortunately, since the season overlaps with other seasons - especially waterfowl and upland game - the caw-caw birds get relatively little pressure until 5 days from now. we have a large number of crows that feed in surrounding fields and literally thousands roost in the city. My group hunts 2 major flyways (from fields back to town); they are tough to fool. A good hide, a good caller and lots of good decoys helps; however, there are often/usually maybe 3-5 out in front of a larger group. we usually get most of those in front but the vast majority are flaring 20-30 yards at the first shot. Makes a couple 2&3/4 - #4 shot in the barrel/1st up in the magazine and followed by a 3-inch #3 or #4 the standard loads for a crow shoot. Its a lot of fun and laughs late in the afternoon when they begin returning to roost; I've seem some drop or sail-out at incredible heights.
People eat the breasts. Little small chicken nugget sized pieces of meat.

I've eaten the legs, we were young and didn't know any better. I wouldn't recommend it. It was also cooked over a smokey camp fire, that didn't help. lol

NY's season is September 1 to March 31, Friday's, Sat, Sun, Mon only. Like most things in NY, oddly complicated and seemingly like they don't want you to be successful.
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Used to hunt crows from my boat. We would travel on the Minnesota river to a desolate location on the river....and tie the boat under some overhanging trees along the river. Great overhead cover. Then turn on our recorder and loud speaker to call the basterds. Travel down the river to the next spot....rinse and repeat. Was really an easy and successful way to "hunt" crows.

George Leonard Herter (Herter's Inc.....before Cabellas) used to say that a crow could only count to three. So if four guys walked into a woodland area....and one guy with his gun and a call was left behind as the others left......he could call those crows. Dunno....never tried that.....but if Herter said's gospel. lol He also wrote the book: "How to live with a bitch" .....just before he got divorced. grin