coyote or wolf ??


A good 3 year old buck
Yote with cool colors IMHO.

I don't think it is tall enough to be a wolf but it sure looks heavier than most coyotes. It also seems to have a little larger head. We don't have many if any wolves town here so my opinion isn't worth a whole lot.
Yote, shoot it!
Small head, and body. And to be honest, it doent matter, its a yote shoot it!
Yote, it's short, bushy tail very pointed nose. Wolves have big heavy jaws for eating deer, this has a small rabbit eating jaw. Very cool wolf colors, but my eyes see a yote. SHOOT IT!!!
To me, that's a one looker coyote.
I think it is the Whistle Blower !
I saw that but even so could have been a big dog. They run a lot of bear in that area.
100% coyote. Fire away...