Cover Crop Roller

Thank you for the post but you can plant Sept15-Oct 15th in the upper Midwest and it will work. They do it in Wisconsin.

Thank you for the post but you can plant Sept15-Oct 15th in the upper Midwest and it will work. They do it in Wisconsin.
Please clarify. ..what are they planting in Sep-Oct?
Thank you for the post but you can plant Sept15-Oct 15th in the upper Midwest and it will work. They do it in Wisconsin.

Since you are in crimper sales I am sure everyone is doing it!

Being a Notill farmer myself, I can assure you if you crimp to early, you run the risk of cover crop regrowth by cutting the cover crop off, or you may not have enough Biomass to cover the ground making the whole process useless because the biomass will break down fairly quickly exposing the soil. If you are planning on planting corn into early crimped WR, you are planting a Nitrogen loving crop into a Nitrogen loving crop, making regrowth that much more possible, making the use of a herbicide inevitable if you want a decent crop. Or you could do like most organic farmers and just let the cover crop and weeds grow and take a reduced yield. Read up on your your own process once, you will find out why your crimper sales will be slim to none.
Hey guys, I've sold 8 crop rollers so far and am looking to sell one of my prototypes. One is 7 foot and the other is 6 foot. The 7 foot has JD FEL plates which can be used on a 500 and 400 series FEL and the 6' roller can only be hooked up with the 500 series. You can push or pull these. I can do $2500 for either one.
IMG_5663.JPG IMG_7101.JPG
Wow very nice have you ever made and for a UTV or ATV ?
I'm building one right now. It is a 5' model with wheels. I should have it ready by May.