couple of MN house bills

.....oh. And Social Security wudda been just fine for everyone, had the government banksters kept their fingers off the trust fund money. They "borrowed" the money without the ability to pay it back. Shenanigans like this been going on for a long, long time. Wait till interest rates go up a few won't be pretty. This country will get interesting PDQ.

I digress, now about those old codgers?
not sure how long you've been voting.....but over 1/2 of that debt has been accumulated in the past six years. six more of those kinda years.....and you can kis your fanny goodbye. long you been votin? My generation is NOT who elected this administration....and my generation wudda let the "to big to fail" Hope you like your "free" health care.

First off, the majority of this crap was put in place a long time ago (SS-1935, Medicare-1965, Medicad-1965). The only new cabinet since I have been able to vote is Homeland security. I dont want, never supported, or never will support OBAMAcare or anything any liberal asswipe ever proposes. I dont have any health insurance and havent had it for close to four years. I have almost saved enough to pay for my half of the 40 acres my brother and I bought. All of my young friends and business owners that do have health ins are looking at staggering premium increases. Why?? To pay for all the oldsters and democrat voters. Its not young healthy people that NEED health care, it people over 65.

And lets not kid ourselves, SS, Medicare, Medicare part D dont change the rules so the problem keeps getting worse every year with life expectancy getting higher. How about raising the minimum age for SS a year or two?? Throw in all the pensions and shit that the older generations are gobbling up and then tell me how we are gonna pay for it??? How many states, cities, counties, and townships are scratching their asses wondering how to pay for all that?? I suppose my generation voted in all those giveaways?? The cluster F****D politics of the last 50+ years are what have enabled the last 6 of comrade Obama to be so God awful. I have been voting since 2000, and the choice has always been between puke and shit. I pray the final collapse is sooner rather than later. I dont want to be on the other side of 50 when its time to reset.
It don't make any sense to try debate those things here. There's no upside in battling that out because the boys on Habitat Talk are not going to roll up an MDDI-2 with recommendations on fiscal policy to any governor or president.

Fact is, every generation back to the American Revolution has had problems. Every generation back to the American Revolution has also produced some incredibly influential people that changed the world, and many who'll never get recognized that kept the world moving. It exists today. My generation is full of incredibly ignorant people (the 18-34 crowd). They're getting their education now as they stare at the drop ceiling in the basement bedroom of their parents house wondering where their 20's went. And there are a few of us who'r working hard, raising kids (beating when necessary), saving money, and giving back in whatever way we can.

Only thing up for debate now is whether we rip each other to shreds over politics, deer farms, crossbows, and name calling, or does Habitat Talk live on where men (and I think we had a woman on here for a little while) can go for a few minutes to get away from the wife or job to talk complete habitat jibberish that only makes sense to other habitat goof balls?
Post 26. Take a look at that dollar and where the money is going. Now STOP spending 49% of the revenue on entitlements. Buy your own "entitlements" and we have a whole 'nother ball game. Elect some folks that like that kinda thinking. Now on the guarantees for govt. another 15% outta that.....and were back on track to prosperity. Just stop paying for all the folks who won't do for themselves. We can't afford what we can't afford.

Buck.....I do understand where your coming from.....and your generation is not the only ones who don't like this system of running things. But, there is plenty of blame to go around.....even for generations that came before mine. Back in the 30's.....when asked how this can work in the long was said by the architect of todays problem: "In the long run were all dead". Welcome to reality. I fear that few of us will get to the "other side" without some major damage. The old codgers are the least of your problems.

With a little luck, one day you will be an old codger too. Then you will know that the least of your problems are financial. ;)
True story. I worked for a tough as nails guy by the name of Jack Earp. Jack was a legendary pilot in WWII and later a "figure" in the aluminum industry. AND.....his uncle was none-other than Wyatt Earp. One night he told me of sitting on Wyatt's lap and Wyatt told hime stories of the old west......and of many more war adventures. Interesting evening. THOSE were some tough old codgers. ;)
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I usually avoid these type of threads but not this time ......How about just a little RESPECT BuckS!!! These guys are the tough SOB's that built this country. Half days to them was 6am to 6pm. They never asked for a thing. They didn't b*tch and whine about what they thought they were entitled to!! Oh and when they weren't building this county they were protecting it!! Good grief man....I will counter your posts with a THANK YOU to those men!

So because I dont like my wallet getting raided to pay for all the giveaway programs I am not showing respect?? Old, young, whoever, I dont like the fricken giveaways. The old get special treatment cause their old and they vote. The last 6 years have made me very bitter and I realize more than ever that its everyone for themselves. If I want to pay for health ins its well over $450 dollars (34-no tobacco). Why so much?? Cause my premium has to pay for everyone else.

And the old people dont have a fricken monopoly on hard work. Good grief yourself. I built enough roof trusses to pay for college that I am pretty sure I did every new house in Eden Prairie, Maple Grove, and Woodbury twice then roofed houses on the weekends for fun. Paid cash for 6 years of college, a double major, and 7 credits shy of a masters degree. Then I started two small businesses and operate both of them without any loans. I have two bad knees, bad feet, ankles and wrist. I never asked for anything either. And working 80+ hours in a week is a piece of cake.

If it makes you feel any better I dont like the sperm dumpsters that have 7 or 8 kids from ten different baby daddy or the border jumper who gets free healthcare, housing and foodstamps if they can make it across the border alive while I go to jail in on the Rainy river for crossing the imaginary line with live minnows.
I'm gonna make this my last post on this topic...and put it away.

I can't say that I blame Buck for being upset with our system. We all get there from time to time. If I watch too much news or read too much on the economy, I can get pretty surly too. Many of us can get scared spitless at the state of our nation and in our future. I know its hard to put a positive spin on this economy......and just like Buck I worry allot about the next generations, and how they are going to muddle through this. I got kids and grandkids that I worry about all the time......great kids in a goofy economy. It's hard to find your way clear in this environment.

But I gotta say that you can't blame the prior generation for the situation at hand. Or, at least you cannot blame the hard-working folks of those generations. They have given allot, just as you are giving allot today....and they continue to give allot in taxes of all stripes. I have problems with the "takers" in life. Not those that "can't", but mostly those that "won't" do anything for this society - but expect a handout. Then too, we have a government that is trying to save the world on the backs of the American taxpayer. These things can be discussed ad-nausem.....and we still won't have an answer.

In spite of this situation, we are living in the greatest times known to man. Changes are happening....stay ahead of the curves. Keep the faith.....brighter times are ahead.

Lets talk about deer and camp here.