Cosmic Crisp


5 year old buck +
I went to the grocery store and found that the cheapest apple variety there was Cosmic Crisp. (Last year, the price was around $3 per apple. Now they are about $2 per pound.) They were probably picked last fall. The texture was still firm. They had a slight acid taste, but no sugar taste that I noticed. I understand that $10 million and 22 years went into getting this variety onto the market, but I just don't think it compares to a Minnesota or Wisconsin grown Honeycrisp. Maybe it was just the aging process that made the apple mediocre though. Anyway, I was not impressed after having read all the hype.
We ended up throwing our Cosmic Crisp apples into the garbage can.
Good info……but if they hang till late December or something crazy I would still plant a couple!
Are they good fresh?
Sadly, too much of the apple product is about marketing and not about taste.
Professor Kent: I hear you. They were huge, beautifully red, firm, and everything else one would want to display on a store shelf. They just tasted like sh**.
LOL. I call it the Big Store Wet Cardboard taste. Sometimes the storage takes all the zip out of the apple.
LOL. I call it the Big Store Wet Cardboard taste. Sometimes the storage takes all the zip out of the apple.
You just described every Red Delicious apple ever. Koodoos to whoever came up with the name, but he should still be drawn and quartered.
You just described every Red Delicious apple ever. Koodoos to whoever came up with the name, but he should still be drawn and quartered.

One of the most honest reviews of Red Delicious ever. Actually the hole list is pretty spot on and entertaining.
You just described every Red Delicious apple ever. Koodoos to whoever came up with the name, but he should still be drawn and quartered.

I took a grafting class a couple years ago. The guy teaching it also went over many varieties and their best uses i.e. fresh eating, pies, etc and when he got to red delicious he said 'These are best for firewood."
The original RD...'Hawkeye Delicious' is a pretty good apple - I've had them straight off the tree, and they're pretty good! However, most folks wouldnt even recognize it...but continual selection for redder and more conical sports left the consumer with a gorgeous, blah apple that none with tastebuds would want to eat.
I took a grafting class a couple years ago. The guy teaching it also went over many varieties and their best uses i.e. fresh eating, pies, etc and when he got to red delicious he said 'These are best for firewood."
hAHAHAHHHA. We all agree.
I thought the taste, or lack of, was pretty bad. Because of enterprise being a parent I grew a few seedlings. They were crowded in the nursery and didn't get much size. Planted out the five or six best and saved a few more for possible rootstocks. I wouldn't mind having some full size enterprise.20210519_112444_HDR.jpg
I had some cosmic crisp that first year they came out back before the whole covid thing. I really liked them. But one thing I’ve noticed is that they sit in the grocery store forever. You can only get them when they are a fresh batch. Nobody is paying that price for them. I believe I made a thread about them awhile ago. Definitely would like to plant one
I took a grafting class a couple years ago. The guy teaching it also went over many varieties and their best uses i.e. fresh eating, pies, etc and when he got to red delicious he said 'These are best for firewood."

And top working, I put one in just to graft other varieties to it. It's my five in one tree.