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So would you get a poke that's 95% effective for a disease 99.7% survive? That does not make sense to me, but to each their own.

Yes, I would, and did.

I know someone who was 30 and died from this. Not with this, of this. My optometrist is 60 in good health, he spent 2 weeks on a ventilator.

My uncle talked like you, until he got it (age 63) and spent months dealing with serious lung clotting issues on death's door a couple times.

That 99.7% survival number you share is pulled from thin air, the 95% effective number I shared is hard data. Everyone knows by now the severity of COVID is very age-dependent. An average "99.7", even if it were true, is meaningless to an individual assessing their risk. If you're 85 years old it's more like 60% survival.

You act like 95% effective is a bad thing. If you are higher risk, take whatever that risk is and reduce it by 95%, you're saying that's a bad deal?
I don’t think the survival statistics are out of thin air, those are right in line with the data Statistics from my County. 120,000 people in County. 157 died with COVID or by COVID. That is about 99.85% survival rate. These are numbers verified by the County and I imagine if you take out actual died with COVID it is closer to 99.9% survival Not made up at all.
I don’t think the survival statistics are out of thin air, those are right in line with the data Statistics from my County. 120,000 people in County. 157 died with COVID or by COVID. That is about 99.85% survival rate. These are numbers verified by the County and I imagine if you take out actual died with COVID it is closer to 99.9% survival Not made up at all.
Well, I could make several points on this, but the most obvious and first I will make is that you are calculating survival rate as deaths vs total population, not deaths vs those actually infected. So you're really bad at math and there's not much to discuss given this is the way you approach "data".
I'll get the popcorn. I know you are but what am I? I think the amount of problems from the shot are not being reported truthfully---wonder why? The "experts" are people just doing a job, Nothing close to perfect. Why does their advice that is obviously politically motivated control the masses/sheeple? How many examples of trying to mislead and out right lie to the people will it take to open peoples eyes?
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Well, I could make several points on this, but the most obvious and first I will make is that you are calculating survival rate as deaths vs total population, not deaths vs those actually infected. So you're really bad at math and there's not much to discuss given this is the way you approach "data".
I’m not sure why you’re pushing an obvious miscalculation. I used my County as an example. Let’s call it County A. Your chance of surviving the pandemic in County A is 99.85%. Just no doubt about it. Those are the numbers. what are you supposed to call the people that survived the pandemic? . in other words the population. Bystanders? . according to your thinking if just one person got COVID and died the death rate would be 100%. Even if a million people didn’t get it. This virus will be number crunched forever, by people who may or may not have agendas. For the most part, here anyways nobody Seems too concerned anymore. Just about all aspects of life are back to normal and people have resumed all the activities that were canceled last year. without restrictions even here in the restriction State. Vax or no Vax it looks like it’s over.
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The only quality data we have is who didn't die. Anything else is a complete fabrication.
The only quality data we have is who didn't die. Anything else is a complete fabrication.

now there is data I can actually believe isn't biased. Well even if it is biased its true.
Are the 1200 cases of heart issues “rare” if you look at the total number of vaccinated kids, especially boys? Instead they lie with stats and take 1200 cases out of 150 million. This is criminal. The risks do not outweigh the benefits for kids. And putting a label on something doesn’t work. Vaccine inserts have always existed, yet nobody reads them.
There has been nothing but lies and hype since this thing started.

I totally believe there was/is a severe risk to a certain small percentage of the population, I have also known a few people that passed earlier than they would/should have because of the virus. All of them with some type of health condition that put them in the high risk category. I don’t know if that result would have been the same if they had caught a bad case of the flu or pneumonia or something though? But maybe.

What I do know is that this is a very political issue and for whatever reason was blown out of proportion by the governments of the world even after the actual risks and facts became clearer. I am positive it has been used in the USA to control the public and am completely amazed at how the politicians and MSM pushed certain narratives and agendas using it as a tool. To not be able to look at what has happened a little skeptical or just flat out 100% believe what politicians and MSM say is just ignorant. I still can’t believe how quickly some people gave up their constitutional and basic human rights for the “supposed” better good of the public. I definitely can see where some people would want to give the government the benefit of doubt but so many things we have been told have proven to be false.

I don’t even know where we go from here or what the fix for this mess is.
Well I had COVID and lived. “Guess I’m lucky”. Not really.

can’t figure out why they want me to get a vaccine now?

If I survived stage4 cancer and was healed. Should I then take an emergency use experimental drug to cure it?

we’re not hitting 70% vaccinated. The gig is up or people are just tired of caring.
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Go listen to the June 22nd Rogan podcast with Dr. Kory and Brett Weinstein. Both of these guys are well on their way to getting cancelled or killing themselves over what they're revealing about ivermectin. I'd get there fast before Spotify takes it down. If you don't want to listen to it, here's the gist.

For about $12 worth of Ivermectin per person, we could snuff out the vid for good. Not just survive it, but actually stop it dead.
Go listen to the June 22nd Rogan podcast with Dr. Kory and Brett Weinstein. Both of these guys are well on their way to getting cancelled or killing themselves over what they're revealing about ivermectin. I'd get there fast before Spotify takes it down. If you don't want to listen to it, here's the gist.

For about $12 worth of Ivermectin per person, we could snuff out the vid for good. Not just survive it, but actually stop it dead
That's not creating extreme amounts of revenue for the big drug companies though. Gotta throw away trillions. The economy is a real life rube goldberg machine and we're all in it. Need 25 middle men to ensure the absolute highest prices.
Here in NY I work at a State College. This whole time (Covid) the science says (allegedly) everyone is supposed to wear a mask to slow/stop the spread. Even if you don't feel sick or have any symptoms, you wear a mask in the small chance that you could be Asymptomatic and spread Covid.
Last week our college changed the mask policy. Those that got the Vax no longer need to wear a mask inside, those that didn't get the jab have to wear a mask inside unless seated and eating food, or alone in their office. This is why I asked for further information. The CDC doesn't have crap on the questions I asked. I see the post about VARES but it is well documented that vaccine injuries go largely unreported, I have a study that combines many studies and involves millions of cases bookmarked if anyone is interested I will post it.

People that are vaccinated can still get Covid, allegedly a small chance but it is obvious they still can get Covid and spread it. So what is the purpose of making an unvaccinated person wear a mask? There is a small chance I could be asymptomatic and spread it, there is a small chance that a vaccinated person could have Covid and spread it. Either we are wearing masks because there is a small chance either way, yet one group that fell in line gets a reward, it just has the feel that they want to shame those that didn't fall in line and make them wear a mask.
They certainly aren't following the science and haven't been since they made laws and making arrests for things like "you must eat a meal if you go to a bar and chicken wings aren't considered a meal", OR "not sitting but standing at a bar." Because everyone knows that you can only give someone else Covid if you are standing.
I agree with you, it is a control thing, and the left is loving it. Colleges, state and federal buildings, then you have your medical fields, and your extreme left wing nuts that make you wear a mask in their stores yet.
These sheeple are so scared.

another thing to note, if this spreads as easy as they are saying, why doesn’t the unvaccinated already have it? Take me for instance. I haven’t gotten the shot, I have never stayed home, I have traveled several times, hell I was on one of them extended cruise ship vacations when it all began. I am pretty sure I have traveled at least 200 miles every weekend since this has began. I flew several times, and I haven’t gotten it. And if I have, I wasn’t sick enough to feel I needed to go get tested.

I still wonder where all the flue cases went to?
This is the compilation of studies I mentioned earlier. It’s an eye opening read really, a lot of statements made within contradict the standard medical opinion reported in the “news”, it certainly isn’t common knowledge. The link below ONLY refers to the MMR vaccine

“In 2012, the Cochrane Collaborative examined 57 studies and clinical trials involving approximately 14.7 million children who had received the MMR vaccine. 15 While the study authors stated that they were not able to detect a “significant” association between MMR vaccine and autism, asthma, leukemia, hay fever, type I diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn’s disease, demyelinating diseases or bacterial or viral infections, they reported that:
“The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.”16

“There is evidence that only between 1 and 10 percent of serious health problems that occur after use of prescription drugs or vaccines in the U.S. are ever reported to federal health officials who are responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and vaccines and issue national vaccine policy recommendations.17,18,19,2021

“While the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC reviewed the findings, they were also quick to dismiss them, with the CDC publicly stating that “we are not investigating a situation in which there has been any adverse reaction at all."35

It's sad to see how brainwashed people become so quickly. My wife's 80+ year old grandma was vaccinated. My in laws didn't get vaccinated and grandma won't let them come visit unless they are. Her words were, "Welp, see you in heaven..."

The logic is so flawed it's incredible.
My in laws didn't get vaccinated and grandma won't let them come visit unless they are
That lacks all logic, she is worried that unvaccinated people are going to give a vaccinated person Covid.
Not much faith in the "safe and effective" vaccine I guess.
There are a few disturbing numbers in that study that just finished this month. It is just my opinion but the cure should be much more beneficial before it is either touted "safe or effective".

"Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination."

" The risk–benefit ratio in terms of deaths prevented and deaths incurred thus ranges from 2:3 to 1:8, although real-life data also support ratios as high as 2:1, i.e., twice as high a risk of death from the vaccination compared to COVID-19, within the 95% confidence limit.
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