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I said abducted by aliens, not the government.
The government doesn’t recognize aliens. They call them neighbors. LOL.
The government doesn’t recognize aliens. They call them neighbors. LOL.

not to say you’re wrong but I think the government now, houses, feeds, actually educates elementary, middle and HS “in person” and pays for the college education of aliens.

poor Americans are on their own.....
Better off not knowing. Knowing this stuff goes on will only upset a person and it should. Ignorance is bliss!
All the bullshit with the lockdowns just keeps on giving. Minneapolis is a f*****g war zone. Good thing locking down 12-18 year old kids worked so good.

My wife works in a hospital. They did experiments on their co workers, both vaccinated and non. She swears all the test they did that it only stuck to the vaccinated arms that had both shots in the same spot. I want to hear the truth about why this happens. Supposedly even the doctors were in disbelief of what they just saw!

So your wife's friend's friend's friend observed this. You want a video of my doubly vaccinated arm not holding a magnet? Happy to provide direct evidence....
I witnessed it from my die hard liberal brother in law.
I witnessed it from my die hard liberal brother in law.
Witnessed what? You can put a magnet against his skin and let it go and it just hangs there?
Well actually I witness him stick a fingernail clippers to it, and hold it upside down. Like the injection site was actually magnetized.
Well actually I witness him stick a fingernail clippers to it, and hold it upside down. Like the injection site was actually magnetized.
Each vaccine dose is .5mL. So max volume across 2 doses is 1mL. Even with powerful rare earth magnets used in cell phones, you have any idea the amount of magnetic material required to accomplish what you are proposing? The physics are absurd.

Just to humor this, I took a fingernail clipper to the 3 double vaccinated Moderna members of my family and 2 Pfizer double vaccinated. No magnetism. So I've got 5X the data countering your observation.
Each vaccine dose is .5mL. So max volume across 2 doses is 1mL. Even with powerful rare earth magnets used in cell phones, you have any idea the amount of magnetic material required to accomplish what you are proposing? The physics are absurd.

Just to humor this, I took a fingernail clipper to the 3 double vaccinated Moderna members of my family and 2 Pfizer double vaccinated. No magnetism. So I've got 5X the data countering your observation.

You must believe, and use the force.
I wasn’t making it up, he did it in front of 8 of us, then so did 2 others.
So your wife's friend's friend's friend observed this. You want a video of my doubly vaccinated arm not holding a magnet? Happy to provide direct evidence....

The way I read it sounds like his wife actually witnessed it.
I’ve also had people I work with that have personally seen it on vaccinated relatives now.

But you insist it is a hoax and they must be liars then?
So your wife's friend's friend's friend observed this. You want a video of my doubly vaccinated arm not holding a magnet? Happy to provide direct evidence....
No my wife witnessed it along with two doctors, a RN, a pharmacist, and it was all done on other hospital staff that had there shots and some that didn't. I'm not a believer in the chip . according to my wife, before the magnet even touches the vaccinated spot you can feel it pulling. I would of loved to see it myself, but like I said my wife isn't a bull$#÷!er. So I have to believe their is something to it. I don't believe the chip theory personally.
I'll tell you what I'm pizzed about. Couldn't celebrate my 9 year old's baseball championship with ice cream at DQ last night because they can't hire people to keep the dining room open.

But I'm a survivor, I got a reeses peanut butter ice cream bar at the gas station and I pushed thru... #overcomer
So did anyone check to see if it sticks to their non vaccinated arm? I know bottle caps (steel or plastic) will “stick” on my forehead. But I haven’t tried that since the pandemic started. Makes you wonder what’s going on in this crazy world.
Time will tell.
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