Cool Pics -Let's See Them

Bears and cubs are sure cute, cool, and a blast to watch. But I get a feeling of dread when a bunch start showing up on cam!
Come on Mom!
a few from last week or so from the backyard, so far this yr, 8 different bears I can ID, down from my normal 19-21 at this time of yr, all the new hunting dates in PA< have put a dent in local population it seems, and its been hitting females the most here, as the only female this yr, has been this one with her 2 cubs, and she is super tiny, maybe a 100 lbs if that all the rest have been males!
her cubs have been hammering my apples, they seem to enjoy tearing them off the tree and then playing with them on the ground HAHA!
might not have many apples come fall, but I enjoy watching wildlife so not complaining, just is what it i, nature at work! and play!~


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Unusual "leaping bear". Wonder what he was after?View attachment 44320
Unusual "leaping bear". Wonder what he was after?View attachment 44320
its mating season for black bears now, odds are he's trying to keep up with a female that doesn;'t enjoy his constant pestering HAHA! younger bears like him, get side tracked eatinga dn then realize the gal they was with is missing, and they start going a little faster to re find them!
So I put up a cedar post in the middle of this little kill plot about 2 years ago and so far have had very little action from bucks rubbing it...this bear decided it was a good back scratcher though! (you can kinda see it to the bear's left side).