Compilation Video of 2017-2018 Game Camera Captures

Another good movie.
I like those black yotes. I'd still give them a lead injection but there cool.
Fantastic collection of vids!! That was enjoyable - thanks.
I agree, amazing video clips. I watched the 1st half with my kids before bedtime, and we'll finish up tomorrow. What was that yote carrying? Thanks for sharing!
I agree, amazing video clips. I watched the 1st half with my kids before bedtime, and we'll finish up tomorrow. What was that yote carrying?
First, want to thank everyone for the kind words! Was a true labor of love putting that one together... had over a couple of thousands of hours of video captured during the time frame so was a real challenge picking the clips for the video as well as trying to keep it short enough to actually enjoy watching. Tough picking music for it as well... if the clips had all had sound, I wouldn't likely have even used music.

As for the yote question, have to look really close but think at least 3 were carrying a meal. Best guess is the one at the 1:47 mark had a field rat, and that the other yotes at the 3:05 and 3:26 marks were carrying squirrels... sure could be wrong though and may just be case of wishful thinking on my part. Hope the kids enjoy the second half when they see it!
Semi-related additional note on the yotes... I would be going after them a bit more aggressively if I saw signs of fawn recruitment looking impacted or other game being significantly impacted, but this year I actually had an upswing on fox video captures as well and seemingly a population explosion of rabbits (getting them on camera all the time now).

Also helping the yotes stay a bit safer is the dadgum hogs having a population explosion of their own. Four years back I only saw a couple on camera over the span of a year. Compare that to the this past year -- neighbors and I have put down over 50. For those old enough to remember the Star Trek episode, those things really are about like tribbles.
Fantastic video bbm, I love the variety of animals, the fawns bouncing around and the bear climbing the feeder fence were my favorites!! I know you have quite a bit of time tied up in it and you did a great job on the edit. I did sort of a highlights video from my lease last year and it was quite time consuming and I didn't do near the amount editing that you did, thanks for taking the time to entertain us!!!
Cant help but smile watching the fawns bouncing around all over the place.