Close - but no cigar


5 year old buck +
Well, after spending the whole second week of the Pa. rifle season at camp, I have no buck. I saw some does ( legal the second week ) but opted for no doe tag again this year.

Wednesday I took a stand overlooking a bench from a higher vantage point up a steep slope. Early morning fog prevented good viewing to the furthest points of the bench. But as the sun broke thru at about 9 a.m., it illuminated the north end of the bench. At 9:30, a spike of 8" or so appeared and worked his way up toward me, passing about 40 yds. to my right and out of sight. He had no clue I was there. At 11:30, 5 deer eased out of some hemlocks and pines below me and to my left. They browsed their way out into more open woods and I saw antlers on one. 2 of the does went feeding off to my right, and 2 went out straight away from me on the bench below. I watched the buck follow those 2 and then bed down as the 2 does laid down. One of them must have been coming back into estrus.

I watched the buck, which had about an 18" spread and 8 points, for about 20 minutes, but had no clear shot where he was laying. His body was obscured by a tree trunk. The only parts of him I could see were his face ( when he turned to look at the does ), and his butt. I figured when he stood up, he'd be broadside at about 90 yds. So I kept the gun pointed his way. After 20 minutes ( seemed like hours ! ), he stood up and looked at the does, which also had risen. I was licking my chops, aiming at the opening where he would step to get nearer the does ....... when one doe bolted down-slope into some thick hemlocks and he bolted right after her. No chance for a shot, as other trees / limbs were in the way !! The other doe ran off to the right and was gone. My only hope was if she ran back up to the bench and he would be following her. It never happened, and I stayed until it was dark. It wasn't in the cards, I guess. Another year to grow.
Successful hunt in my book. Anytime you put yourself in a situation to see a deer you wish to harvest you've done something right. Sometimes it's just not in the cards to seal the deal.
I agree with bueller. Your setup sounds good, but the clear shot just didn't happen. In fact, I admire you more for not taking a bad shot, which a high percentage of people who hunt would do. In my book, you can go home proud of your hunt. Best wishes on seeing that deer again next season, and congratulations on what I consider a successful hunt.
Thanks, Bueller and Native. I had the safe off and was ready to squeeze one off, but I couldn't justify the risk. Didn't want to wound him and maybe lose him. I watched that bench for the rest of the week until dark each day, hoping for a return sighting, but no soap. ( It's a seldom-travelled corner of our property ).

One good sign in the snow was the amount of tracks coming to our turnip/radish/hybrid brassica plot, standing corn plots, and the WW/WR plot. Tracks are coming in from all directions ......... but it's at night. Winter customers/tenants/residents = good spring ?? :) :cool: