Chip budding...anyone



just did a little reading on chip budding. Sounds like an interesting graft. Anyone out there doing them?
Did a bunch last spring while bench grafting, 98% of them failed. I only used Parafilm to secure them though and I realized IMO afterwards the prafilm is basically good for only one thing sealing scions/buds. Parafilm doesnt have enough strength to keep tension on cuts. I am going to try some again on rootstock that is already in the ground this spring, but bind them with something else.
I had 4-out-of-5 T-buds fail last August, I think for the exact reason TC mentions. In the future I'll use parafilm as a first layer and then something stronger to tighten over that.
Chip budding sounds like it is different from t budding. I did like 5 t buds last year. For sure one survived cause the bud grew about 3"s. One died for sure. Jury is still out on the others
Yes they are similar but different methods, I think L2L was just referring to the parafilm. Dipper I might even have a link on here somewhere to a guide on chip budding. Seems like a viable method for grafting, really not any different than most forms of grafting. I think the big key is to not allow the bud to dry out before it can form a callus with the rootstock.
Ed got me on the plummers tape last year, and I got the grafts pretty tight. If you really want to clamp that graft down use some electrical tape over that. That electrical tape can stay on there for over a month.
I never had much luck w/ it dipper, not sure why. Good luck!
Who's cranking out chip buds? I'm gonna try a few.
Last year was my first year grafting. I have a few failed grafts in the ground from last year. Any harm in digging them up and trying to bench graft onto them, rather than working with them in the ground?
Last year was my first year grafting. I have a few failed grafts in the ground from last year. Any harm in digging them up and trying to bench graft onto them, rather than working with them in the ground?

Nope. I have done it before. Much easier to work on them that way.
Who's cranking out chip buds? I'm gonna try a few.

I am going to try some again this year. I had terrible success with that method last year. We must be overlooking something with this approach which limits our success.
Thanks TC... I dug up seven of the failed rootstocks today and grafted 7 new ones- NW Greening, Transcendent Crabapple, and a wild "Swamp Apple" from the property.