Chasing the Native Grouse this spring

Steve Oehlenschlager

5 year old buck +
DSC_0392.JPG DSC_0477.JPG Been all over North Dakota and Minnesota this spring chasing our native prairie grouse. I even came across some super rare Prairie Chicken Sharptail Grouse Hybrids. Also spent some time out with the Minnesota DNR helping put radio tracking collars on Sharptail Grouse. It was a busy spring!_DSC3643.JPG _DSC4222.JPG _DSC4775 (1).JPG _DSC4867.JPG DSC_0202.JPG DSC_0280.JPG DSC_0451.JPG


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WOW great pics again.
Prairie chicken is left on my bucket list, I've gotten sage and sharptails, out in Montana,
Cool pics Steve!