Chainsaw safety wear PPE

I have a new (never worn) Husqvarna orange safety helmet; my tree cutter/trimmer refuses to use it. Had 2 ... sold one a few years back. Helmet has wire face shield, safety glasses that attach, ear muffs, vinyl neck shield for back of helmet, and original product description booklet. Will take photos and post them in classified section tomorrow or next day for anyone who might be interested.
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We had 2 guys last winter that got kick back and a running chain hit them both in the forehead.I would wear the helmet.I have only had one die running a chainsaw cut a limb that was under pressure on fallen tree and came back up and hit him in chest.
PPE is just like wearing a harness in the tree stand. I owe it to my family to stay healthy and provide for them. Bleeding out because of an accident in the woods or piles of medical bills because of a momentary lapse in judgement don't help with that. I have the Stihl woodcutter set that has chaps and the helmet with face shield and ear muffs. I always wear the chaps when running a saw, and use the helmet when felling. After 20 years of working in aviation I know to cover my ears so I usually wear plugs and phones. If I'm bucking logs I just wear a set of safety glasses. For the 6-10 times a year I run a saw they are more than adequate.

A good friend just had a saw grab his chaps last weekend. It didn't break his skin, but left one hell of a bruise. They did their job and reinforced the importance of them to me.
I bucked a couple cords of red oak today, and split about a cord of it by hand, and stacked it. I was getting sore or I would have kept splitting it. Once I get sore, I know it’s time to quit before I hurt myself.

I have about 10 more logs to buck, and finish splitting it all. Then I am done until I start dropping more trees.
Chaps are better than sweatpants for a real workout

Very few things in habitat more satisfying than cutting with a sharp chain

Prevention of one injury more than pays the price of PPE

My observations

I use Stihl and have been happy. Love the helmet because you head, eyes. and ear protection are all together. Easier to keep up with! As far as affordability, any single chainsaw incident will definitely be more expensive than what you might save by going cheap. I think it was Bell motorcycle helmets years ago whose ad said "If you have a 10 dollar head, get a 10 dollar helmet".
We had 2 guys last winter that got kick back and a running chain hit them both in the forehead.I would wear the helmet.I have only had one die running a chainsaw cut a limb that was under pressure on fallen tree and came back up and hit him in chest.

Wow, what industry are these guys in? Definitely going to get myself a helmet setup after reading this.
I had seen some pictures on a different site that members posted of themselves, or had witnessed, it is enough to stop looking, or stop using a chainsaw.