Cave n Rock Switchgrass info

Late to the party on this post, but Ernst is a great place. I'm eastern Ohio and have done a lot with them. I agree with the first year you feel like a failure. I did CIR from Ernst last year, and doesn't look like I did anything. They told me 3 years to get height on it, so we'll see how it goes this year. Do you all spray anything special strictly for the switchgrass or mow it at different intervals to keep other weeds back? or just let it go?
This is my CIR switchgrass after 3 years, when green was 5'-6' tall. These pics were in April this year. Our first snowfall was back in October and we had lots of heavy snow all winter through March. As stated above, 1st year is slow going then year 2-3 it jumps.

I frost seeded in Feb when snow was on the ground. I hand seeded with an Earthway chest spreader ~ 20 acres. The snow allowed me to check my seeding rate which was good as seeds are very small.


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Late to the party on this post, but Ernst is a great place. I'm eastern Ohio and have done a lot with them. I agree with the first year you feel like a failure. I did CIR from Ernst last year, and doesn't look like I did anything. They told me 3 years to get height on it, so we'll see how it goes this year. Do you all spray anything special strictly for the switchgrass or mow it at different intervals to keep other weeds back? or just let it go?
Here's a screen I planted in 2012 pic after first year and here it is 5 years later in the winter with no input after initial prep spraying.


I'm wondering how any of you are dealing with Japanese Stilt Grass invading your native warm season grasses? JSG is becoming a huge problem in some areas. I've come to despise the crap. It's out of control around here and it's really exploding in areas of increased sunlight caused by the Emerald Ash Borer. And unfortunately, it's become well established in my Ernst mix of WSG. I'm afraid there is no way to prevent an invasive warm season grass from overtaking native warm season grasses.
I'm wondering how any of you are dealing with Japanese Stilt Grass invading your native warm season grasses? JSG is becoming a huge problem in some areas. I've come to despise the crap. It's out of control around here and it's really exploding in areas of increased sunlight caused by the Emerald Ash Borer. And unfortunately, it's become well established in my Ernst mix of WSG. I'm afraid there is no way to prevent an invasive warm season grass from overtaking native warm season grasses.

The only place I've seen JSG be able to complete with NWSG is in the shade around tree roots. Once you get out in the sunlight, the NWSGs will choke out the JSG. So, there might be a few locations at field edges where JSG is prominent, but it is small areas compared to the big picture.

One undesirable grass that surprises me is Deer Tongue Grass. In some spots it seems to be able to form such a mat of roots that it displaces taller NWSGs. I don't like DTG because it is too short and lays down too easily. I don't have much of it and hope what I do have doesn't spread more.
The only place I've seen JSG be able to complete with NWSG is in the shade around tree roots. Once you get out in the sunlight, the NWSGs will choke out the JSG. So, there might be a few locations at field edges where JSG is prominent, but it is small areas compared to the big picture.

One undesirable grass that surprises me is Deer Tongue Grass. In some spots it seems to be able to form such a mat of roots that it displaces taller NWSGs. I don't like DTG because it is too short and lays down too easily. I don't have much of it and hope what I do have doesn't spread more.
Not in my case. I see JSG becoming more and more prevalent in my warm season grass.
Late to the party on this post, but Ernst is a great place. I'm eastern Ohio and have done a lot with them. I agree with the first year you feel like a failure. I did CIR from Ernst last year, and doesn't look like I did anything. They told me 3 years to get height on it, so we'll see how it goes this year. Do you all spray anything special strictly for the switchgrass or mow it at different intervals to keep other weeds back? or just let it go?
I won’t agree with the 3 years to get height. With great weed control you can see 5-6’ in two years. If you mow to control weeds it will certainly be 3 years. Atrazine (although restricted) in the Spring will help but put on at the legal rates didn’t seem to be that effective. I feel the same way about Simazine. It’s probably my heavy soils. I think prep the season before is the key to a successful first and 2nd year stands. If you can burn then spray cool season weeds/grasses you can have a tremendous stand. There are some spraying options at different stages of growth for switch. Depends on what weeds you are fighting. I have a little thistle and some small patches of foxtail still present. I will be treating it with Oust XP after the growing season is done this year.
Entering 3rd growing season. The Kanlow has reached 8’ while most of the CIR is pushing 5-6’