Caught in Fence


5 year old buck +
My wife and I went shed hunting today. Unfortunately, found a button buck dead, caught in the fence. Hate that, but nature is unforgiving. 20180310_164850.jpg
Bad way to go, that's for sure. Not many coyotes around?
Probably only died a day ago. They'll probably be on him tonight.
Bummer ... horrible way to die
I had a similar situation 24 years ago on my land. A pregnant doe broke her neck by running into a strand of barb wire that was almost invisible between two oak trees. The fence was a left over of a pasture fence. I came upon the doe while it was still warm. That made up my mind. Over the next two years with the help of my hunters, I removed every piece of 5 strand barb wire fence on all my property lines and interior areas. Since none of this line fence was maintained or being currently used for any pasturing of animals, I considered it abandoned property. It took over 100 man hours, but I was able to get every last piece of rusty barb wire fence removed from my property. It was all buried in a deep hole and covered with rocks. One of the best projects I did on my farm. All fence posts were left standing exactly in place.
Only one neighbor complained to me. I told him his fence had fallen onto my side of the surveyed property line and that he had not maintained this fence. I asked him if he would like a bill for the removal of his fence on my land. Never heard back from that joker.
That sucks....have found a couple fawns like that over the years.
We were duck hunting in Alberta and found a fresh pronghorn like that on the way to a flooded coulee. A few hours later when we came back by it was a complete skeleton looking like a school of piranha buzzed it the yotes had it so cleaned up.
The deer I have found caught in fences have always been in 5 strand barb wire. I wonder if others have similar experience.
Fawns I found were both from single strand on top of farm fence back hoof caught, pronghorn was three strand.
This thread is depressing :(

Im ready for Bill to lock it down........

I watched two doe cross in front of me time leaving my hunting land. The last fawn got her back leg tangled in the fence as it didn't clear it all the way. I watched it struggle for a second, thought about shooting it for a second, then decided to try to free it. I grabed the back leg as it was kicking and pulled the middle stand down to free the leg and it took off. All happened in about 20 seconds but it was the only time i've touch a wild deer that wasnt shot and was quite the adreneline rush too
Fawns I found were both from single strand on top of farm fence back hoof caught, pronghorn was three strand.

Once found a big fork horn hung up the same way. He tried to jump the fence in a low spot where the fence went straight across, and of course, the top strand was a lot higher there. Hate to see them go like that.