Canning 101

I had plans of putting in a rubbing post today but figured I better freeze some corn before the coon take it. About 5 dozen to freeze. We froze about 5 dozen last Sunday.

We can green beans, stewed tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, salsa, jalapeno jelly, venison, carrots, blackberry jam, grape jelly, cherry jam, bread'n'butter pickles, sweet chunks pickles, & dill pickles.
i can eat vegamite all day really not that bad at all....but i'm a pretty adventurous eater.

My FIL has a half brother in Australia, basically his dad was lonely during the war. Once they found eachother he went over there and brought vegemite home. Its nasty, terrible. I compare it to diesel fuel on a cracker.
Where's the frying pan with butter melting in it ?? ^^^^^^ :D;)

I taste tested so much of it today as I cut it off the cob...whew! We have about another 10-12 dozen that will need to be taken care of in the next two weeks. We'll be pan frying some tomorrow:cool: We gave two dozen ears away this aft and gave three dozen away last week. We are still freezing green beans every three days and will need to start our first batch of salsa next week.
Worked on a second batch of black bean and corn jalapeno salsa with apple cider vinegar yesterday. 3/4 of a 5 gallon pail of tomatoes along with 3-4 cups of chopped peps, 2 cups onion, 2 cups corn and 2 cups of black beans makes 8 pints. Alot of work but mighty tasty. 16 pints made so far this year.

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Looks like ya made it with a lot of Romas! :)
Deff looks tasty!
I really really like this thread. It reminds me of years gone by. I spent a lot of time at my grandmothers growing up and she along with my mother canned, canned, canned, canned and then canned some more. I loved all the food. I miss it so much. There is no way I have time to can something these days, much less grow a garden. So I will just enjoy your photos thanks again.

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  • One Quart of Crab Apples
  • 1 3/4 cups cider vinegar
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 Tbsp cardamom pods
  • 1 tsp whole cloves
This is really close to what my mother used to do Stu, Don't know if it was kick ass, but it sure was good!
  1. Wash the apples well, and leave the stems intact.
  2. Gently prick the apples all over with a fork or the tip of a small sharp knife. This is so that they don't burst as they cook.
  3. Combine the vinegar, water, and sugar in a pot.
  4. Roll over the cardamom pods with a rolling pin or the side of a wine bottle to gently crack them open. Don't lose any of the black seeds. Add the cardamom (seeds and pods) and cloves to the pan and bring to a boil
  5. Turn down the heat and add the apples to the pot. Simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of your apples. Use your judgement, you don't want the apples to get soft and mushy.
  6. Carefully remove the apples from the hot liquid and pack them into your jar or jars.
  7. Strain the pickling liquid and then pour into the jars, completely immersing the fruit. Let cool and then cap and refrigerate.
  8. The apples can be canned, as well, for longer storage.
WTNUT - I like this thread as well. My Mom and grandmother used to can and freeze all kinds of things. Dad and I would do the shucking, peeling, cutting, etc. and the women would do the jarring / cooking. They used a boiling water bath canning system - no pressure cooker - and never had a problem. We canned tomatoes ( plain & mixed with onions, celery, and green peppers ), green beans, venison, vegetable/beef soup, hot peppers, beets, plums, cherries, peaches ( incredible !! ), chow-chow, pickles. We had a big garden that supplied most of what we canned and froze. Corn and peas were frozen.

One of my favorite memories was coming into the kitchen in late September from a chilly day and smelling the last tomatoes of the season cooking on the stove as Mom made spaghetti sauce to can. Tomatoes, garlic, & basil scents filled the house and the kitchen windows would be all steamed up. Great eating all winter long !!
My mother canned everything she could. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I think it was a necessity for people of that era to can. But the food was good, I especially liked canned meat for some reason. But I have turned into a guy that is to lazy to do it, or too busy, or maybe its just to easy to go to the store and buy our food? I don't know, but I miss those times and smells in the 60's when canning took place.
Growing up, canned venison was one of those dishes that you always ate but always kind of wanted something else when you had it. Chicken and dumplings was another.

Then you go off to college, and when you come back home, you called ahead and asked mom if she can take out some canned venison so you can have some while you were home. You never asked dad cause he would tell you to kiss his a-- because the more you ate the less he got.
I didn't take any pictures, but I have 45 pounds of cabbage turning into sauerkraut right now. I'll be canning it in a few weeks! YUM!

If you've ever shredded cabbage for 'kraut you know it can be a lot of work.

I'm not getting any younger so this year I bought one of these:

We did 160 pounds of cabbage in just over an hour. It was awesome!

Now I just need to rent it out a few times to recover the cost of it :)

Just when you thought I was done its time for fish house pickles. I make these with end of the year green tomatoes, cauliflower, and enough hot peppers to get your attention. I eat these with beans or as a side with fried fish.KINDLE_CAMERA_1478026096000.jpg
Man, yall are making me hungry.
Only canning I have pictures of is a batch of wild Chickasaw Plum jelly from this spring.


We have done a few batches of blackberry, strawberry, and peach jam for gifts this Christmas. Just kinda starting at the whole canning thing. It sure is addictive...

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Man, yall are making me hungry.
Only canning I have pictures of is a batch of wild Chickasaw Plum jelly from this spring.


We have done a few batches of blackberry, strawberry, and peach jam for gifts this Christmas. Just kinda starting at the whole canning thing. It sure is addictive...

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Jelly looks great! I have Chickasaw plums in my freezer now I plan on making jelly with this week before I put everything up.

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48 pints and 25 quarts of kraut done for the season.

Venison is next in a month or so!

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48 pints and 25 quarts of kraut done for the season.

Venison is next in a month or so!

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Holy shit! I don't even know what question to ask ... :eek:

