Canning 101

Merle I mean no offense with this but that sounds like a northern thing. Australians I have known loved vegamite but I promise you couldn't force feed that mess to a starved hog or a channel cat.
i can eat vegamite all day really not that bad at all....but i'm a pretty adventurous eater.
There's lots better choices than whitefish. I've had it smoked and it's ok.

Was yours boiled Merle?
Maybe baked, it may have been boiled, but whatever it was it didn't agree with me. I'm sure it's a case of what one gets used to. My wife's uncle's were tickled pink with theirs. It was a good trip overall, the German store we went to was awesome.
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whats your process for freezin the corn? I decided to grow some in the garden this year...but then again this drought isnt helping out much.

We leave our corn just like it was picked and put 3-4 per gallon ziplock bag.
I can a bunch of stuff each year from my garden......I already have 42 green beans, 25 beets, 15 pickles, plus some relish that I am trying this year too. I will get on my tomatoe stuff here before too long. I plan on some more salsa, diced tomatoes, and maybe some spaghetti sauce. We will see how much time I want to spend on it!
whats your process for freezin the corn? I decided to grow some in the garden this year...but then again this drought isnt helping out much.

I blanch the corn for a couple of mins, then it goes into a cooler filled with water and ice chunks to cool down. After the cobs cool, I cut it off the cob and my wife puts it into pre-cut vacuum sealer bags(3 cups per bag). I put a strip of paper towel just above the corn and the it gets vacuum sealed.
I've been wanting to try this recipe for freezing corn. Maybe in a couple weeks. Got my first batch of sweet corn from the farm stand on Sunday

Freezer Corn, SUPER EASY!

20 cups sweet corn cut from cob, raw not blanched (28-30 ears)
4 cups ice water
½ cup sugar
1/8 cup canning salt
Mix well and let stand for 20 minutes. Put in zip-lock bags and freeze.
Phil - I blanch the corn for 5 to 6 minutes - it can go more, say to 10 minutes -( boiling ) just like I was going to eat it " on the cob ". Then it goes into a big plastic tub of ice water to stop the cooking process. After the cobs are cool to the touch, I cut it off the cobs and I scrape the cobs to get all the " milk " as well. After I fill an enamel lasagna pan with cut corn, my wife scoops it into quart freezer zip-lock bags, flattens them as she works the air out, and into the freezer they go. Once frozen, they stack like shingles in the freezer - space efficiency. NOTE: while freezing, it's best to rotate the bags so you don't have " softies " in the pile that can spoil while the outer bags freeze solid.

That's all I've ever done and we've had corn from 3 years prior and it tastes like you just picked it. Not joking !! Very simple. I usually get 100 ears from a farmer right down the hill from our house and that amount will last us for a whole year easily. ( If we eat corn once a week ). It takes me about 2 hours from start to finish. Been doing it for over 40 years. To do a large batch - don't waste your time with a store-bought blancher. Put about 3 dozen ears into a speckled enamel canner at one time to blanch and take the ears out with tongs & place in the ice water. You'll cut your time down that way.
Phil - I blanch the corn for 5 to 6 minutes - it can go more, say to 10 minutes -( boiling ) just like I was going to eat it " on the cob ". Then it goes into a big plastic tub of ice water to stop the cooking process. After the cobs are cool to the touch, I cut it off the cobs and I scrape the cobs to get all the " milk " as well. After I fill an enamel lasagna pan with cut corn, my wife scoops it into quart freezer zip-lock bags, flattens them as she works the air out, and into the freezer they go. Once frozen, they stack like shingles in the freezer - space efficiency. NOTE: while freezing, it's best to rotate the bags so you don't have " softies " in the pile that can spoil while the outer bags freeze solid.

That's all I've ever done and we've had corn from 3 years prior and it tastes like you just picked it. Not joking !! Very simple. I usually get 100 ears from a farmer right down the hill from our house and that amount will last us for a whole year easily. ( If we eat corn once a week ). It takes me about 2 hours from start to finish. Been doing it for over 40 years. To do a large batch - don't waste your time with a store-bought blancher. Put about 3 dozen ears into a speckled enamel canner at one time to blanch and take the ears out with tongs & place in the ice water. You'll cut your time down that way.
great! thanks man! last year was bumper year for maters for us, i'm really not quite set up for canning yet, but i do have freezers. I have a pretty decent sized upright, and small chest freezer and "spare" full sized fridge with the freezer on that. so last year we blanched maters, skinned them, and bagged and froze them to be later thawed out and strained of seeds, to be used to make sauce, chilli, salsa, etc.

i'm not really expected to grow enough sweet corn this year to have to get into freezing....i only have like 20 plants.
Nobody sells corn up there in Sully ?? Try 50 ears and see how easy it is !! It'll taste great in January with a venison roast or chicken dinner !!
I have 10 rows of sweet corn planted with 50 plants in each row. I planted 3 rows early, another 3 rows about 1 week after. The last 4 rows were planted 3 weeks after the the first 3 rows. I'll be busy next week taking care of the first 3 rows. I've been canning 3-5 pints of pickles every two days or so.
Coons are why I did not plant sweet corn this year. Last two years, they'd get into it a few days before time to pick.
Got salsa cooking tonight. It takes 3 hrs of simmering then into jars and process. I put enough hot peppers in it to get your attention.KINDLE_CAMERA_1467576100000.jpg
My mom used to cut all the corn off the ear and then cook it with evaporated milk and a little sugar then cool it and bag it before putting it into the freezer. I used to make about 40 qrts of salsa every summer, but nobody in my house is much into helping these days and I havent had the time so its been awhile since I have made any. We have shucked it, wrapped individual ears with Saran wrap and then put in Ziplock bags for freezing.
Nobody sells corn up there in Sully ?? Try 50 ears and see how easy it is !! It'll taste great in January with a venison roast or chicken dinner !!
oh we have a more than few options for buying sweet corn up here, as well as just across the bradford line, or the Lyco line.
Get in the piggy bank, Phil. The coons sent you to the roadside stands !!! Those things can find food of any kind and usually at exactly the wrong time for humans. far the coins have been non existent around our homestead....but I suspect t that my wife's new hobby will probably increase the odds that they will "find" is. Truthfully, it's more likely that we will have a bear in the garden/coop before we have coons

My garden...and wife's new the background

Sent from 25 ft up a tree
Hey Alpha, good to see you again.

Here is how we can it, not the most exciting way but you can always add more ingredients later. But you can't take them out!

Pack jars to within 1" of top.
Add 1 table spoon Lawrys (seasoning) salt
(Don't add anything else. The jars will have plenty of liquid when done canning.)

Process at 10 lbs pressure for 90 minutes


The real challenge is getting them up to pressure and then holding them there. We use a LP turkey fryer on high to get them up to pressure, then move them to a smaller LP burner like this to hold the pressure for 90 minutes: burner propane stove

Because we can so much, we use 6 to 8 canners at a time. 2 warming up, 2 holding pressure, 2 cooling off, and 2 getting filled up for the next batch.

Throw the finished product in a slow cooker for a couple hours on low, shred the meat, and you will have the best "hot beefs" you've ever tasted.


Those are Quarts right???? Toss a couple of onions in there too! Montreal seasoning also works great! When you do your canning this year.. try this.

Pack a Qt with venison until one inch of the top.
Slices of vidalia onion raw.
teaspoon of crushed garlic
teaspoon of montreal seasoning.
10lbs at 90 minutes

You won't be disappointed.
I don't know but whitefish to date is the worst fish ive ever had.

WOW!!! That is CRAZY. I think whitefish is probably some of the best table fare I have ever eaten! Lightly dusted in some flour, pan fried, with some lemon and capers. My mouth is watering!!! Whitefish is excellent... I am wondering if it's a southern vs northern thing??? Lake Superior whitefish is absolutely delicious. I wondering if you are not getting it fresh or caught from good waters????
My guess is we grew up on catfish and crappie and that is what your accustomed to.