Can you take the heat...?


5 year old buck +
I have been into hot peppers, sauces, jellies, and such for several years and the next step was growing my own supply. I started last year with a store bought Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia) that I got enough peppers from to make a couple quarts of fermented hot sauce that turned out ABSOLUTELY STELLAR. We ended up overwintering that pepper plant in my parent's greenhouse and got another season out of it. This year, we got a huge flush of them (1gallon) before the real heat of the summer hit, and more are coming on now that the temps are lowering. This year, I also grew Carolina Reapers, which are currently recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the hottest pepper in the world. They didn't mature in time to set peppers before the heat, but have finally began setting peppers. If first frost can hold off long enough (northeast Texas, so I may get a couple more months) I may get more than just a pepper or two of them too. I plan on about six times the sauce I made last year, and depending on how many Reapers I get, I may do a batch of even hotter sauce.

How many of you are addicted to capsaicin too?

Last year's Ghost Pepper Sauce. I called it "Red River Rage"

The ghost peppers

The first Carolina Reapers found by my wife

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The ghost peppers look to pretty to be hot!:) I like some heat, but not that much. We used to have a game "trick" we played in college on unsuspecting drinkers at some of our parties involving hot peppers.
I like "hot stuff" but it's from a Wisconsin perspective. Pretty sure I can't handle Texas hot. Love to try a LITTLE though!

I like it hotter than most around hear, but now I will say I enjoy a good flavor hot. I don't care for the taste of habeneros at all. When I make chilli I have to make a small batch for my wife and a flaming pot for myself and the boys.
I like it hotter than most around hear, but now I will say I enjoy a good flavor hot. I don't care for the taste of habeneros at all. When I make chilli I have to make a small batch for my wife and a flaming pot for myself and the boys.

Habaneros taste like a hot bell pepper. No flavor, just heat. They aren't very good on their own, I agree.

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