Cafeteria plot experiment

Derek Reese 29

5 year old buck +
Going to try a little something this summer/fall…the guy baling my neighbors hay went a little wild and took about a 25x75 yd swath on the edge of my field..thus leaving me a great spot for a new plot (yes I know it faces his house but he’s the game warden and don’t think he’ll do much poaching)…I have some leftover GRO Deer and Bird (corn/soybean/other stuff mix) that’s been sitting in the closet for a few years and I just got ahold of some mammoth, ladino and crimson clover along with a brassica mix…gonna try to get it sprayed sometime soon then wait till around the 4th of July to plant it all by broadcasting and running over with my wheeler…I know it’s early but would love it if I could get some growth from that GRO stuff and get those brassicas to take off..I know alot depends on what rain we get but was wondering if there were any thoughts or suggestions..would it be worth it to add oats this early?? Plan to add rye later on if it’s not tall or thick enough for my liking ...thanks!
Going to try a little something this summer/fall…the guy baling my neighbors hay went a little wild and took about a 25x75 yd swath on the edge of my field..thus leaving me a great spot for a new plot (yes I know it faces his house but he’s the game warden and don’t think he’ll do much poaching)…I have some leftover GRO Deer and Bird (corn/soybean/other stuff mix) that’s been sitting in the closet for a few years and I just got ahold of some mammoth, ladino and crimson clover along with a brassica mix…gonna try to get it sprayed sometime soon then wait till around the 4th of July to plant it all by broadcasting and running over with my wheeler…I know it’s early but would love it if I could get some growth from that GRO stuff and get those brassicas to take off..I know alot depends on what rain we get but was wondering if there were any thoughts or suggestions..would it be worth it to add oats this early?? Plan to add rye later on if it’s not tall or thick enough for my liking ...thanks!

I once had a 1.5 acre area that I ran out of seed for. Went and grabbed the 50 lbs bag of birdseed mix and planted it. It actually did quite well, wife wasn't too happy though.

The talking heads out there have everyone convinced that you shouldn't turnips, radishes, etc. until August. These are 60-90 growth plants so plant them now if you want any bulb development.

Definitely plant WR and med red clover for cold weather food and spring green up.
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I also had good luck with birdseed but that area is a thistle filled mess now

I love these experiment plots.Good luck!
Going to try a little something this summer/fall…the guy baling my neighbors hay went a little wild and took about a 25x75 yd swath on the edge of my field..thus leaving me a great spot for a new plot (yes I know it faces his house but he’s the game warden and don’t think he’ll do much poaching)…I have some leftover GRO Deer and Bird (corn/soybean/other stuff mix) that’s been sitting in the closet for a few years and I just got ahold of some mammoth, ladino and crimson clover along with a brassica mix…gonna try to get it sprayed sometime soon then wait till around the 4th of July to plant it all by broadcasting and running over with my wheeler…I know it’s early but would love it if I could get some growth from that GRO stuff and get those brassicas to take off..I know alot depends on what rain we get but was wondering if there were any thoughts or suggestions..would it be worth it to add oats this early?? Plan to add rye later on if it’s not tall or thick enough for my liking ...thanks!
Don't forget the chicory.
I’m a complete novice but this sounds like something I’d do. In my opinion, 50% (probably more) of this is guys out there getting outside, having fun, and playing around a little. Good luck and I hope it does well. Keep us posted.
Here’s what it looks like now..looking downhill
Left side is my overgrown tree screen that will hopefully be getting weed whacked this weekend top right is the property line coming to from the edge of the fence row