Cabin Improvements

That is not an option for us. I think it is something like 16 miles to where the power lines end. Not looking to drop that kind of coin for a shack that might get used a month out of the year. I will be up at the land most weekends but my parents have a place on a lake about 25 minutes from the property so outside of hunting season, I plan on staying there.

My uncle deals with diesel generators that he converts to run off cow shit for the big farms so he has been trying to steer me that way.
steer .... hahaha
Interesting fuel source, PB !!! ^^^^^^^ Never ending supply and no Arabs involved !!!

We recently installed 2 large gas lights at my camp. They ran right about $100 each, but they throw out a TON of light and some pretty good heat too. We're gonna get a third one and between the 3, they'll light up the whole first floor. Saves a ton of propane ( rather than run the generator for hours ) and we get heat out of them to boot. We heat with a big woodstove mainly, but we have electric baseboard heat for when we first arrive and the cabin is cold. Once the woodstove gets cooking, we turn off the baseboard heat. Last year when it wasn't too cold ( 40 to 50 deg. outside ), the 2 gas lights gave us all the light and heat we needed. They took the chill out of the cabin's first floor - and our cabin is fairly good sized. We'll have that 3rd one installed by this fall. Best $$$ we've spent recently. :)

I see from your pix you have gas lights in there already. Easy to get a couple big ones and add those in.
one of the big helps you can do your self is to check the insulation, heat is easy if well insulated. Did 2x 6 construction at my camp, r30 in walls and attic, double layer r 19 under floor, dense glass board holds it all in place and keeps critters out.. its on piers so until the snow builds up the wind realy rips under there.
We recently installed 2 large gas lights at my camp. They ran right about $100 each, but they throw out a TON of light and some pretty good heat too. We're gonna get a third one and between the 3, they'll light up the whole first floor. Saves a ton of propane ( rather than run the generator for hours ) and we get heat out of them to boot. We heat with a big woodstove mainly, but we have electric baseboard heat for when we first arrive and the cabin is cold. Once the woodstove gets cooking, we turn off the baseboard heat. Last year when it wasn't too cold ( 40 to 50 deg. outside ), the 2 gas lights gave us all the light and heat we needed. They took the chill out of the cabin's first floor - and our cabin is fairly good sized. We'll have that 3rd one installed by this fall. Best $$$ we've spent recently. :)

I see from your pix you have gas lights in there already. Easy to get a couple big ones and add those in.

Do you have a link for the lights you are looking at?

After looking around this weekend, thinking a smaller propane tank to run the lights, stove and propane fridge. Longer term, propane generator and solar to run lights (back-up), water pump, tv for Packer Game and anything else I'm missing.
Went out to the land today. Left when it was just sprinkling but bad thunderstorm rolled through with hail and 60 mph winds. I got to watch this tree fall across the road just as I was slowing down to catch my driveway. Feel between my vehicle and the driveway.

Tree Fallen.jpg

Here are few more picks of the cabin.

The wood stove that is currently in. Insurance guy tells me I need to remove it and get a certified one so still debating on what to do.

Wood Stove.jpg

This is one room in the basement. Other side is the same size with more bunks and another wood stove that is also supposed to be removed since you aren't supposed to have two stoves connected to the same chimney.



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This is the inside of the old living quarters. This side was the bunkhouse.
Outbuilding Bunk.jpg

This was the kitchen/living room. Hoping to remove that far wall and put in a larger door so we can store equipment on the inside. Would be nice to not have to trailer equipment back and forth all the time.
Outbuilding Living.jpg

The is the outhouse. Pretty nice for outhouse standards but the wife wasn't overly thrilled.


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Since I was there, thought I should run out and check the cameras. This is not a trail that is supposed to be on the property. Someone came in and took their truck through the field and into my food plot that is down by the edge of the woods. Drove all through the food plot and stole the card out of the camera that was covering the plot.


Damn bear hunters... got a picture of their dogs on the other camera along with the sow they were chasing. The sow always laid in the clover and the cubs climbed the tree the camera was on so the dogs must have lead them right to the tree.
PB, Any chance you can put up a gate? Is the property fenced?

There is an old barbwire fence around the property but currently no gates on the driveways. Now that we bought the cabin, we will close off the one driveway completely. People will have to drive in the cabin driveway, pass the cabin and go out the back area so that might help deter them.

Most of my family lives up in the area and we know all the local bear hunters. Going to be emailing out the pictures of the dogs and they should be able to tell me who was out there. They seem to keep pretty good track of the other hunters in the area and who is running what dogs. I also found where they are dropping bait just off my property so now need to find out what laws in Wisconsin are for dogs crossing on to private property.
Just a thought on blocking access - If you know someone with heavy equipment, have them set very large boulders with a small enough space between them so a quad cannot get between the rocks. We blocked a pipeline at our camp that would have allowed a quad to sneak around our one gate and have a 1000+ yard racetrack on the border of our land. A thick tangle of tight pines and hemlocks prevents driving thru the woods. A nice line of wild rose with dagger thorns completes the " wall ".

All the gas pipelines in our mountains have done the rock blocking of their pipelines and NO MOTORIZED TRAFFIC gets on them. Don't know if that will help in your situation, but if you want a road or driveway blocked, you can't beat it.

On post #26 you asked for a link to the gas lights I spoke of. I wasn't the one who bought the lights, so I'll ask our member that did and get you some info on them. We had other older gas lights , but these new bigger ones are MUCH better. Like having 2 - 100 watt bulbs on when up to full brightness. Brightness is adjustable. I'll get back to you.
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PB - I got the name - brand - of gas lights. They're made by Midstate Lamp LLC out of Arthur, Illinois. Their phone # is 217-543-3095. We bought ours from a local vendor who has no computer system of their own. I'm sure if you call them, they'll send you whatever info you need to order some lights or at least look thru a web-site or brochure. I know they make several models.

Edit: I found a site with a review of these lights. The web address - link is

( The dashes between words require hitting the shift key to get them low like that .... in case you wondered if they were correctly placed. That's the way the link reads. )
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Kabic - do you have any dealings with Ben's Discounts? Was looking at a few other appliances thru them but always leery of buying anything online.
Kabic - do you have any dealings with Ben's Discounts? Was looking at a few other appliances thru them but always leery of buying anything online.
I do not. Just was curious on what the lights looked like and took the model number from the above review and that was one of the first sites that came up.
From the little research I just did Ben's seems to be legit, but I'm probably not adverse to online purchases as you. Pay with a credit card so you dispute the charge if needed. Worse that can happen is you end up getting a new number if their site is hacked ... and that is more likely to happen at large sites ala Home Depot.
The Ben's Discount site was one that came up for me as well. We bought ours for camp at a local vendor in Central Pa., but I found no site address / web page for Midstate Lamp LLC itself. I guess the best way to get in touch with them is to call them at the phone # I mentioned on post #33 above. The local vendor we used had several models made by Midstate for different applications. I think you can get different heat shields / reflectors for on top of the glass shade too. I can't remember the model # we used off the top of my head either, but it ran right around $100. Vendor supplied extra mantles for us.
Hey pack I saw a picture of that hail that fell in oconto cty, it was the size of beer cans. That's nasty stuff, I couldn't imagine getting hit by some of that stuff.
Yeah - I heard the stuff a little further east was pretty bad. I was driving to the land in that storm. The stuff that came through my area was about the size of beads my daughters make necklaces out of. Nothing to bad but was happy I was still in the car and not already walking around the property because the wind was knocking trees over like crazy.