Burning Logged Areas


5 year old buck +
I keep hearing more and more about burning your woods. I want to find someone who knows what they are doing and set up a few burns on our property. I would like to burn an area we logged a month ago. I'm in Western Wisconsin, a point in the right direction would be great. I dont do fire, but want to find someone who does.
I use the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point fire crew to do the controlled burns on my prairie. My land is only 25 miles Southeast from UW-SP so it works out great for me. They have done 7 controlled burns for me over a period of 26 years. This is an after school volunteer group of young men and women, most of whom are Natural Resources majors in school. I do not know if they do woods or how far they will travel. They have written a burn plan for my land. You can go online and find their contact information. Hope this helps.
My forrester recommended waiting a season after logging before burning

He says fire would burn "too hot" if burning right away
