Bud capping spruce trees??


5 year old buck +
For about 4 years on our hunting land up north we wasted lots of money planting these shitty little 4 and 6a plugs. Our land was select cut in 2012. The little plugs always had sun, but would quickly be overtaken by ferns and eventually die out.

This year I spent the money and bought the largest plugs I could get. I planted the ABP norway spruce from Itasca greenhouse. I kept a bunch of them marked all summer and kept the damn ferns off of them. I am in love with these larger plugs. Survival this summer was 100%, and some of them look like they will really take off in a year or so.

I need to bud cap them or I expect they will get browsed pretty good. We are up near Grand Rapids, MN. When Should I do this? I could care less about going in the woods and fucking up the hunting cause all the neighbors hunt like shit anyways. I just want my trees to FINALLY get going.
Guess I'd probably bud cap them before the snow flies then.
I get that. What I am asking is when to do it so I dont injure them or slow down growth. Do they stop growing after first frost or something?