

5 year old buck +
Can buckthorn cut off when frozen be sprayed later on the cut off while it is still frozen with gallon 4 be effective?
You are better off to spray(treat) within the hour while you have a fresh cut- 5:1 (diesel/bark oil to Garlon 4 or Triclopyr 4 which is the generic equivalent). Any forestry improvements are time consuming as all get out, you may as well do it all at once and be done with it. If possible have someone spray for you as it is more of an efficient way to move through the woods- good luck
I think you would run the risk of poor transfer of the garlon to the root system as the top cut would harden off. You would then get root suckers & shoots.

Do as suggested above. I carry a Dawn Soap detergent bottle (cleaned out) with me filled with garlon4 & diesel fuel (3:1) mix. Squirt after cutting.
I love your idea, problem is I cut off several hundred in a half acre.
Last fall I had a doe fawn coming through the woods and picking out the green buckthorn leaves to eat.

Wildfie-you have seen my place. I have totally given up on battling buckthorn. I will not live long enough to make a difference.
Guess I am more bullheaded than you. My yard would be an excellent example!
Guess I am more bullheaded than you. !
I'll bet my wife would prove you wrong on that one. She is stubborn and has to be as she has put up with me for over 30 years.