Buckthorn blasters ?


5 year old buck +
Has anyone tried using the herbicide daubers for cut stump treatment that are called Buckthorn Blasters ? Looks like an easy, no mess way of applying herbicide to stumps.. Just wondering how well they actually work and if they hold up very well. Thanks for any feedback on this.
🤔…I’d be interested in finding out more about this !
Yes, i use them. Work good for a little bit here and there, are a little cleaner and much more efficient with herbicide use than the squirt bottle method. If doing a shit load of stumps just spraying them is faster.

The dobbers aren't the longest lasting deal but not terrible and they are cheap so just buy a handful.
Thanks for the reply. It says not to use with petroleum products. I generally use triclopyr with diesel. Do you know anything about that? Does it cause them to deteriorate quickly? What did you use in them?
I use triclopyr and diesel and blue dye haha! Haven't had any problems but I think last year was the first time i tried em so its not like i've had them for long. I look at em as disposable but I've not had any issue using and letting it sit for a couple months with the blend in it and then using it again.

I just looked em up, might be a little more expensive than I remember but still a drop in the bucket compared to the chemical, fert, seed bills for the food plots!
Ok, sounds good. I think I'll give them a try.
I just used some generic buckthorn blasters 2 weeks ago. Everywhere I looked the buckthorn blasters were sold out. The ones I bought popped up on Amazon for like $10 for 2. I thought they worked fairly well with the Torodon I put on cut stumps. It kept the poison right on the top, not running down the sides at all. I would recommend them.
When I did Tordon on buckthorn stumps years ago.....I just used quality rubber gloves and a sponge to coat the stumps. Took two years of such applications....and a watchful eye for a few stragglers....but got 'er done. Wish I had thought of the blue dye......but one of us would lop and the other one ran the sponge. Pretty effective method.