Browse impact on Radish tubers

Wind Gypsy

5 year old buck +
I planted a diverse mix this fall where daikon radish was the only brassica in the blend. Looking through my fields, there is lots of "stunted" looking radish. Most tubers are pencil sized but dont show obvious signs of heavy browse. I took a peek at an exclusion cage yesterday and the only radish in it has a full sized tuber like one would hope for/expect. Probably 2" diameter and sticking 4-5" out of the ground.

I'm curious - is what i'm seeing a possible case of browse pressure on younger radish preventing significant tuber growth or is it just wild luck that the only decent sized tuber i noticed is in the exclusion cage? This is in a 1.5 acre plot that has deer in it daily.
I’d say browse pressure, seeing that on a few of my smaller plots as well. Large plots seems to handle the pressure better.
I don’t know where you are located but I planted about 5 acres of turnips and GHFR as well. I’m located in Connecticut . I’ve always had softball size turnips and very good size radish except this year. We did have a 5 day heat waved here in Ct about a week after my planting. I researched it and it says it can effect tuber size ( heat wave). It was like 90 plus for almost a week straight in Sept. I have to believe the heat wave had an effect. I used plenty of Urea, soil tested and top dressed more Urea 4 weeks after. Been doing the mix for prob 9 years.
I would say browse pressure. Here in South Central Kentucky my deer HAMMER radishes. Hard to find one without the leaves browsed. I use them for that reason and they also keep the pressure off young clovers.
I should add, the leaves grow back on mine but I don't get huge tubers either because of the browse.
I see heavy browse on radish here in Minnesota too. Soon as the radish comes up the deer start munching on it. I don't think too many are completely destroyed but definitely set back a few times while growing. I plant brassica in late June here.
I did it one year only. Deer seemed to not use it much until winter hit. If I recall, that was the year EHD hit the area, so the low browse pressure might be the decimated herd. Was september time.

I did plant oats with it, so the deer might of been interested in the oats more. I find it a good no-till nursery crop for me.

Wife said no way to raddish, whole backyard stunk of kimchi. Deer used it up good as winter food though.