Browse for deer

Chummer - Can I ask - where do have the silky's planted ........ more open and sunny locations, or mixed sun and shade ?? I thought about them for some screening along a road that's on the north side of a hillside and has smaller openings and no all-day sun. Only midday, dappled sun. Any thoughts ??
Chummer - Can I ask - where do have the silky's planted ........ more open and sunny locations, or mixed sun and shade ?? I thought about them for some screening along a road that's on the north side of a hillside and has smaller openings and no all-day sun. Only midday, dappled sun. Any thoughts ??
I have them from mostly shade to mostly sun. I can say more sun the better. The ones planted as you describe are doing okay. Full shade are alive and growing, full sun have taken off. Even the ones in full shade have survived browsing and put on some growth. Full sun have been browsed hard and just power through. All were planted in 2' tubes which they quickly out grew.
Thanks Chummer !! Maybe I'll give them a shot next spring then. Nothing ventured - nothing gained.