Brassicas and clopyralid


5 year old buck +
I read the label on stinger, and it says you can spray on brassicas. It's used for sugar beets so I figured it would also work on tillage radishes. Has anyone ever tried spraying clopyralid on brassicas? I have a thistle problem in some areas and want to kill two birds. One area specifically will be converted to trees via direct seeding (hopefully this fall if acorns are available) and I want to nip the thistle problem before I convert it, as I know it'll be a disaster if I dont control it prior.
Any idea if clopyralid and clethodim and tank mixed?
Any idea if clopyralid and clethodim and tank mixed?
Good question. I have tank mixed gly and clopyralid in the past with good results. Have never tried clethodim and clopyralid.
This would seem to indicate the two chemicals can be tank mixed for Canola. Canola is a brassica. Both herbicides are safe for brassicas. It seems the only issue would be antagonism between the two.tankmix.png
I contacted Keystone Pest Solution about tank mixing Cleth and Clopyralid. They confirmed it is okay to do so.
I contacted Keystone Pest Solution about tank mixing Cleth and Clopyralid. They confirmed it is okay to do so.
Thanks for going the extra step Homer!
How did spraying clopyralid over the brassicas work out? Slow down their growth at all? Clean up the weeds?