Bow Case for Airline Flights


5 year old buck +
With the airlines charging as much as they do for checked baggage, I am thinking about buying a larger bow case, so I can stuff clothes in it around my bow and avoid paying for a third bag. Does anyone have an extra-large bow case they have checked as baggage without getting hassled?
I would check closely with the TSA & airline regs. The bow will be considered a weapon and anything other than the bow you put in the case is likely to increase your odds of a search and delays. With firearms, ammo must be stored in separate container and not with firearm. Arrows may have same or additional requirements.

Based on my experience, pay the additional fee and don't subject yourself to the TSA or destination country's customs officials. They take this stuff very seriously and could care less about your connections.
Depends on where you are flying,check out may have to search but theres one that looks like a golf bag and has extra room or alot of guys put a sticker on the case that says Not A Firearm