Black flash cameras?

Those MP settings are a real double edged sword. I like to have the hi res photos for viewing, especially when trying to distinguish antlers for population assessment. Then, when you want to email some of those photos, they're so darn big you've gotta resize each one to send them.
Small price to pay IMO. When I right click on the file to send with E-mail it ask me what size I want to send & does it automaticly.


Sorry of someone else already said this, but if "busted" is a concern, make sure you pay attention to cam "noise" and treat them for odors. Both are potentially more serious issues that flash, IME.
Sorry of someone else already said this, but if "busted" is a concern, make sure you pay attention to cam "noise" and treat them for odors. Both are potentially more serious issues that flash, IME.
Agreed.....I have a buck that I rarely seem to get pics of on a cam that has an audible click...and when I do he is staring right at it. But I get pics of him in the same plot on a different cam that doesn't have the click and he doesn't even seem the least bit concerned.
Good to know. Are some brands generally quieter clicking than others? I'm trail cam shopping and I might use this info in my initial purchase decision.
Good to know. Are some brands generally quieter clicking than others? I'm trail cam shopping and I might use this info in my initial purchase decision.
I have two moultries right clicks and the other doesn't. Different models. The newer of the two is the one that clicks. I have a covert that has a very slight click....have to be very close to hear it.
Good to know. Are some brands generally quieter clicking than others? I'm trail cam shopping and I might use this info in my initial purchase decision.

Without question, yes. I'd rather not name names, as I don't want to come off bashing one brand over another and it's honestly been a few years now since I used anything but Reconyx anyway and it is very likely that some of the real noise producers have worked to address the "clicking." The best way to test them is to go to a mom and pop archery shop or two, tell them you are interested in buying some trail cams, but that you want to do an in store test, first. Ask if it's OK if you put some batteries and chips in a couple you are interested in, take them to a dark area and "test" them by having them take a couple pics of you. Just put them facing up on a surface and pass your face over them an inch or two over the cam. If you can't see or hear them take pics, odds are that deer won't either. If you can, then it's just a matter of deciding how much it bothers/means to you.
Check out the browning black opps. I bought one of these last spring. It has worked great so far, great daytime and pretty good night pics. I can't believe this camera sells for about $130.Also has a built in view finder. I will be buying more. I will not buy another camera that isn't black flash. I have been using them ever since predator came out with them 6-7 years ago.

I 2nd this. It's a great camera for the price. And the trigger speed is less than 1 sec. The only complaint is the SD card can be hard to get out with your fingers.
The reason I went to black flash is for trespassers. It worked, I got them & they paid the price. The neighbor hood my think I'm a prick but they also know I will not tolerate trespassing. I use Covert and have not had a noise issue.
The reason I went to black flash is for trespassers. It worked, I got them & they paid the price. The neighbor hood my think I'm a prick but they also know I will not tolerate trespassing. I use Covert and have not had a noise issue.
Here's a couple pics from my black opps. I have been really happy with it so far.
I can't decide which camera to buy, too many choices!! I still have some time as I don't think I'll deploy them until later in the summer. I'm thinking I'll start with 2 and will probably just jump in and buy 2 different brands when the time comes.
I had 4 regular cams. I bought 1 black flash for by the gate. Liked it so much I sold the rest and bought 4 more black flash.
I'm in the market for a camera that won't give off an indicator that you've been "busted." Do black flash cameras do that?

Some deer can detect and detest the best black flash cameras I have used. Most don't seem to care, and they are much better than trad IR or white flash.