What's the best cellular cam for video?...& a decent cam mount I came across


5 year old buck +
Looking for the best cellular video cam that you use or have read/seen proof of. The videos that you can request..not off the card. I've seen some great Tactacam ones but not sure which cameras(I don't care to sign up to other forums etc just to ask) and I'm aware of Spartan's and GardePro's because I have them. Looking at mainly daytime ones so the flash type doesn't matter.

I just started using these camera tree mounts and for the price I'd give them 👍👍so far. They seem well built but will see how long they last. https://www.amazon.com/Trail-Camera-Tree-Mount-Installation/dp/B0CR5RXZTQ
Hands down Wiseeye, you will thank me later!

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Some pic samples, has video request capability like you're looking for. You can run video thumbnail option so you get a still from the video it takes and you can request the video if it's one you're interested in, saves data and battery that way, similar to spartan but more reliable. I'm a former spartan guy. IMG_20240408_085242_652.jpgIMG_20240412_161121_403.jpg

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Looks good, thanks. I only wish it could accept a bigger SD card and do longer videos, but I guess in some locations it'd work. I'm assuming you can format the card from the app....?...so one could get the pics and vids you want and then format if running out of space.
Video request sample from an Tactacam Reveal XB
Looks good, thanks. I only wish it could accept a bigger SD card and do longer videos, but I guess in some locations it'd work. I'm assuming you can format the card from the app....?...so one could get the pics and vids you want and then format if running out of space.
The new ones coming out this summer will accept larger SD cards and will have longer video as well, current max video is 15 seconds. Yes, you can format over the air but it I'll also overwrite the oldest stuff if the card fills up.

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Video request sample from an Tactacam Reveal XB
They're solid, I had 6 at one time but the problem I ran into was if your signal was poor they really struggled to send video requests. Plus they miss a lot of pics if you compare what comes to the app vs the SD card at the end of the season. Every camera struggles with signal at times, something I like with the Wiseeye's is you can continue requesting if the first attempt fails. Spartan and Tactacams were both one and done.

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They're solid, I had 6 at one time but the problem I ran into was if your signal was poor they really struggled to send video requests. Plus they miss a lot of pics if you compare what comes to the app vs the SD card at the end of the season. Every camera struggles with signal at times, something I like with the Wiseeye's is you can continue requesting if the first attempt fails. Spartan and Tactacams were both one and done.

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I have really good cell signal at my land. Almost all my video requests go thru. Also I very rarely miss any pics getting sent. But you are correct, every cell cam working properly is dependent on a good cell signal.
I have really good cell signal at my land. Almost all my video requests go thru. Also I very rarely miss any pics getting sent. But you are correct, every cell cam working properly is dependent on a good cell signal.
I didn't think mine did either until I heard them talking about it on the huntr podcast and checked it out. What you have in your app will be drastically different from your SD card in most cases.

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Video request sample from an Tactacam Reveal XB

What size card can they take and how long can the videos be? Maybe I missed it on the website.
The new ones coming out this summer will accept larger SD cards and will have longer video as well, current max video is 15 seconds. Yes, you can format over the air but it I'll also overwrite the oldest stuff if the card fills up.

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I wish it'd be available w/in a month. I may wait it out though. Thanks
I am using the Muddy Matrix. On demand video quality is good, and the solar keeps it running. In DVD mode if the SD card is full it will overwrite the oldest files (you will still have access to them online). Cost for cell service is $120/year for unlimited pictures and 100 on-demand videos. You can purchase additional videos very inexpensively. All settings are adjustable remotely.
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Do any of the above or any others that you know of that send small file clips like the below for video? This is a 30 second sample and then you can request 10 seconds at a time of the regular/smooth video. Leaning towards just getting another one. Will need a big backup battery as there's going to be too much shade soon. My current one I have connected to a couple of 18650 packs.
Do any of the above or any others that you know of that send small file clips like the below for video? This is a 30 second sample and then you can request 10 seconds at a time of the regular/smooth video. Leaning towards just getting another one. Will need a big backup battery as there's going to be too much shade soon. My current one I have connected to a couple of 18650 packs.
I know the go live spartans do 30 sec videos, wiseeye does 15 currently and I can't remember what my tactas offered. I'm referring to requesting a particular video of something of interest, I don't run my cams strictly on video because you just can't keep up battery wise with any camera. That video seems very glitchy, I know those I listed above send what I assume you are referring to by smooth clips. Only hangup with the go live is they cost so much.

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Yeah I have the regular Spartan's that do only 10sec clips. My original Tactacam does 10sec but you can't request them.

That video is supposed to be like that. Instead of getting one photo you're getting a number of them- the whole" video" clip there is only 206kb. Then you can request the normal video or get them off the card. I don't remember what the limit is but I've got a 256GB card in mine. It doesn't look like there's a discount or anything for the data plan with each additional camera though. I'll have to check later...I'm still going to keep looking at other cams. The DS4K Transmit looked good as I have a few of their non-cellular ones. But some reviews are saying they don't produce the same quality pics/videos.

I think a decent rechargeable battery or batteries(18650 etc) in a box/pack with solar panel should do fine. Just even more $ yet though.
Which plan are you referring to? Yeah I run a 12v15ah lithium with all my cameras. Expensive upfront but pays for itself over time.

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I have a Tactacam with solar panel and lithium battery for sale. Send me a PM if you're interested. I was happy with it, but switched to a CuddeLink system since we wanted pics from all over the property, and only had cell service in one spot.
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I have a Tactacam with solar panel and lithium battery for sale. Send me a PM if you're interested. I was happy with it, but switched to a CuddeLink system since we wanted pics from all over the property, and only had cell service in one spot.
Your best bet is marketplace or archerytalk

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