big woods velvet bucks love forage beans

Well I picked up 12lbs gh radishes, 3lbs ptt, an 2 bushels of WR today. I got the rye for $5 a sack b/c they had small holes in the bags. Gonna overseed these beans in the next few days.
I don't over seed my beans here in west central Mn till middle to end of Aug. But I'm only using oats. Good luck!!!
We just had a great rain yesterday that I missed cuz I was on a 48hr shift:( Forecast says more rain next wed/thur. I will prolly wait till then. Mo You think I should try an catch this rain or wait till the next one? These are rr beans so I can always hit them with gly just before over seeding. Dipper recommends ASAP but I'm kinda on the fence.
Well I picked up 12lbs gh radishes, 3lbs ptt, an 2 bushels of WR today. I got the rye for $5 a sack b/c they had small holes in the bags. Gonna overseed these beans in the next few days.
Good find on the WR!
Beans are def a lil thin. They are eagle managers mix beans so I guess I will be texting this browse tolerance they rave about. Last yr I planted turnips the last wk in July an they did great but I caught some good rains. I think I will simply base it on the next sure bet rain. Soil moisture is great this yr so I think a good hard down pour would for sure get things off to a running start. I appreciate everyone's input on this. I have a couple other small kill plots I have been working on as well that I plan to seed first part of sep.
Well I picked up 12lbs gh radishes, 3lbs ptt, an 2 bushels of WR today. I got the rye for $5 a sack b/c they had small holes in the bags. Gonna overseed these beans in the next few days.

That rye is probably full of weavils. That's what those little holes usually are.
It was mice at the feed store that got in them Thunter. Lots of mouse shit around them... Hope the seed is ok.
Let me ask you guys this, why is a rain critical? At this point your 2 greatest threats are over browsing of the soybeans, and weeds overtaking the plot. The seed you broadcast is there. Besides the threat of some turkey scratching, where is the seed going to go? It's gonna germinate either after the next rain, or adequate rain whenever that happens?
I know many lack confidence, and that's understandable.
Give me your concerns. The longer you wait, the greater the threat of weeds. We can play guess the weather any time. With my management you always have an out. In this case, the soybeans are your insurance for the cool season plot and the broadcasted seed is your insurance for the soybeans. It's always good to have insurance when things go bad.
Dipper my concern is No rain=seed fails. I have never seeded a Mo plot in July other than some first try PT turnips last summer (which was July 29). I will say they did great however we got great Aug rains. My understanding is you can plant radishes later and still get good growth.
The beans are eagle forage. If they perform as advertised they should hold up to the browsing and continue to grow until some hard frosts but dont produce much for pods which is fine with me as the rye and turnips should fill that void. As far as weeds go I plan to hit with gly once before seeding. Gly is cheap. The seed I purchased for overseeding this plot was $60, not a ton of money but I worked hard for it, just want to give it the best chance of survival.
I thought u said u were in Minnesota. I assumed northern mn because you said big woods. My bad
I agree it's your call on timing your fall plots. You are an easy 300 miles south of me, so there is a longer growing season.
If your beans are rr ready, you have the means to control invasives.
Moisture dissipates from bare soil much much faster than if the soil is shaded by something.....Not many things kill the soil ecology faster than exposed soil during even minor periods of drought. One evil feeds of the other if you catch my drift. Not sure if you are considering this in your beans.
Of course I don't really know what those beans look like anyway, so I can't speculate what lack of moisture will actually do. Cover crops are great tools to help retain soil moisture, especially if you have moisture concerns. Those seeds you plan on broadcasting are more than consumable insurance, they can be drought insurance.
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During the heat of summer I'm in a drought after a week without rain, on my sandy soil. With the marvel of broadcasting you don't need to plan a year ahead, just ahead of the drought.
Like I said, I can't tell exactly what those beans look like, but they look somewhat thin to me. They are only going to get thinner as the deer hammer them, and things get dryer. That is a recipe for failure.
Being paranoid about planting a cover crop too early is minimal if you are just one drought away from failure. If you don't have an understanding of basic soil function, I guess it's hard to grasp.
What do you plant for ground cover mo?
Well I over seeded the beans today with WR, GH radishes and PPT. Praying we get this thunder storm tonight:rolleyes:
You want rain......cut some hay down!

Good Luck, hope it works out great!
Been there! Never seen my uncle so pissed as when a thunder storm came rolling through an we had 40 acres of hay on the ground! He called channel 4 news and actually cussed the meteorologist!!
My wife hates when we have hay knocked down. I go into bigger prick mode until it is baled and in the shed. Yesterday was one of those days. As it is raining out this morning and all our hay was baled, picked up and in the shed by 8pm last night. We can double our price with green inside stored bales verses outside bales. Today we relax a little.
Glad you got it all knocked out Mo...