big woods velvet bucks love forage beans

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
This is my first yr planting spring summer plot and Im happy with the results. My big woods deer had likly never seen a bean plant up to this point! This is my destination food plot that I plan to continually do a warm season annual then overseed every fall with cereal grains for all winter cheap skate food plot:). Chestnuts and sawtooths are in the tubes. That is a milo patch on the hillside with keifer and moonglow pears on the top of the slope in the backgrounds. I plan to put a groundblind in that milo this fall for a south winds. I believe I know this buck but not positive yet. If its who I think it is I have a matched set of sheds I found during turkey hunting.
I believe I know this buck as well. The big 8. Clover found his rt side shed
big 8.jpg
another view
Healthy yearling doe hopefully she brings me many fawns in the future!
pretty doe.jpg
these guys are in here daily too
doe an turkeys.jpg
Wow Jordan. Nice deer, and you have that area laid out well with the trees and plots. Looks like they are feeling no pressure.
Thanks Native Hunter here is a pic of the hole field the day I pulled cam cards. I set up another cam and just recently got my browning cam back from cs. so hope to get it out this wk sometime.
destination fp july 3.jpg
I have several other bucks using the feild in daylight hrs but these are the biggest so far
Couple dandys there Jordan! Nice work, the deer are enjoying it.
Very nice!
Great bucks, we have nothing like that yet.
Nice bucks!
Nice bucks Jordan.
Thanks guys. I am excited to see so much daylight activity! I should have done a utilization cage. We have a baby due in mid Oct so my wife is well aware early season is gonna b hit hard this yr:)
Jordan you have some fine deer there and some damn good opportunities this fall. I do see a lot of open spots in your beans. That plot doesn't look very big and I'm sure you have more than just those bucks using it.
I'm going to strongly suggest you broadcast some additional seed in there. One reason because beans go through that slow down period right about the time bow season opens. 2-that open space isn't feeding any deer now, and it won't all fall, giving grass and weeds daylight. 3-based on the number of bucks and turkeys I see there, I doubt your beans are going to be reaching their max potential, limiting the forage further.
Things are looking great for you, but things can change as the seasons progress. A diverse mix will increase your odds of keeping those bucks around, and hanging your tag on them before your baby comes. Congrats on that by the way.
Great looking bucks! Maybe overseed with brassicas too?
Jordan you have some fine deer there and some damn good opportunities this fall. I do see a lot of open spots in your beans. That plot doesn't look very big and I'm sure you have more than just those bucks using it.
I'm going to strongly suggest you broadcast some additional seed in there. One reason because beans go through that slow down period right about the time bow season opens. 2-that open space isn't feeding any deer now, and it won't all fall, giving grass and weeds daylight. 3-based on the number of bucks and turkeys I see there, I doubt your beans are going to be reaching their max potential, limiting the forage further.
Things are looking great for you, but things can change as the seasons progress. A diverse mix will increase your odds of keeping those bucks around, and hanging your tag on them before your baby comes. Congrats on that by the way.
Dipper what would you recommend over seeding with? I was gonna do oats,ww, an rye late aug. Are you recommending I over seed asap? Im grateful for your suggestions. Also I have a 1/4 acre clover plot on the back cove of this same field. Tks
Brassicas are a real good idea, as with the cereals. I would do it ASAP, due to the fact you would be giving more time for weeds and grass to take over. Now is the time to be seeding the cool season plots in mn.
Thier off and running to be some good ones.

Can't wait to see the harvest photo (s)
Thier off and running to be some good ones.

Can't wait to see the harvest photo (s)
X2, good luck with them