The rubbing killed the tall stalks which were above browse level. Had it not been for the rubbing they would probably look like tall mushrooms which would have been better than what I have now, essentially stump sprouts.Which would you say was the biggest factor? Rubbing or browsing?
The rubbing killed the tall stalks which were above browse level. Had it not been for the rubbing they would probably look like tall mushrooms which would have been better than what I have now, essentially stump sprouts.
I have used 4 and 5 foot tall welded wire cages on my elderberries. I won't use 4ft anymore because the deer reach over and grab the tall stalks snapping them over the top of the cage. They don't do this with the 5ft cages. They do readily browse any branches that stick out the sides of the cage and I'm good with that. The tops are full of flowers and berries. Hopefully the birds are planting some of those seeds in nearby brush piles and thickets.
Has anyone grown a hawthorn from seed? We have one or two in the windbreak at the farm that seem to have some fruit every year. I would like to get some thickets of those going for grouse.
Chokecherry is another one that we have on fence lines and other random spots that seems like a good wildlife shrub.