Sounds like an interesting program!
I can not speak to it but I did enter into a landowner agreement with US Fish and Wildlife , Partners for Wildlife on my land. I am in the epicenter for the Fed endangered Karner Blue Butterfly . With the help of Partners for wildlife we forestry mulched 28 acres, herbicided and planted a native seed mix with 40 plus native flowers and 6 native grasses. I do not want to mention numbers but Partners bore a large percentage of the costs including all the seed, mulching and most of the herbicding. Every landowner agreement is different as far as cost sharing. I am located in Central Wisconsin, Waushara County.
You might want to consider contacting Partners and arranging a site visit. As far as I know site visits are at no cost.
One consideration with Partners is the term of the landowners agreement. 10 years versus 5 for Bee and Butterfly. I will say this however, I was expecting a landowner agreement that was pages and pages long with commitments, requirements,legalease etc. It was about two paragraphs long and was as close to a handshake agreement as possible.
The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides free technical and financial assistance to landowners, managers, tribes, corporations, schools and nonprofits interested in improving wildlife habitat on their land. Since 1987, we have helped more than 30,000 landowners to complete more than...
I ran Bee and Butterfly program by the Partners biologist that I work with on my property and he mentioned that Bee and Butterfly does not utilize local genotype seeds in their seed mixes. If that is a concern you might want to have that discussion with them before planting.