Bear pics?


5 year old buck +
Anyone getting any? I got a few this past couple weeks. Little squirts without mom.CDYi0026.JPG
More little ones. Someone shot a 336# next CDY_0006.JPG door to the farm a couple weeks ago.
Wheres mom? Hopefully they didn't shoot her.
Sure am, not as many as before baiting and acorn drop but they still seem to wander my property and find my cameras to knock over.

Guessing trigger speed was lagging and momma was in front, that's what i've noticed this year that she seems to always lead the way.
I had a bear walk off with a friends back pack during a stalk. That was interesting especially since he shot the bear, and the tag was in the backpack. They are naughty
You gotta be careful with what scent you have on your hands. We learned quickly that eating bacon and fussing with cams shortly after is a sure fire way to get a full screen furry nose on your camera.
Your lucky to find the camera, is it still working?
Holy crap! I went to look for a pic and the file I have it in is empty! In fact several are. Any ideas?
Holy crap! I went to look for a pic and the file I have it in is empty! In fact several are. Any ideas?
Bear ate your files? ;)
No, files on my computer.
SD51555 - Bacon scent. Yep, you're right. I used to hang bacon hides ( the pig hide minus the slab of bacon ) from a tree limb some years ago to get pix of bears. Some members of our camp used to video them. The bears got so used to the bacon getting hung there, they would lay just downwind in some heavy cover. When I'd hang new hides, I'd only get 40 - 50 yds. away when they'd come out to chew on 'em. They were waiting for " room service ". Haven't done that in 15 years - bears scare the deer away. But you're right - bacon is a heck of a draw.