B-118 rootstock


5 year old buck +
Just an FYI for everyone, Grandpa's still has some B-118 rootstock left. I ordered some yesterday to plant out and tube and will likely cage/t-bud this fall or topwork next spring. I don't know how big they are or anything like that, just letting people know that might be interested. I have always received excellent trees from Grandpa's, so guessing they will be nice.
Got them yesterday, planted today. Really nice roots, caliper was about pencil sized and straight. Planning to t-bud in August or top-work in a year or two. They were 59 bucks for 25 IIRC. Never been disappointed with Grandpa's.
i saw your post and went to the site. the price doesnt seem too bad until i calculated shipping, $27.91. i was looking at just getting 10 and letting them grow for a year in pots. then next spring i would see what they looked like and maybe graft to them. $29 for 10 seemed fair, but i cant justify paying double for shipping. same shipping for the 25 for $59.
im a sucker, i cant help myself, im addicted. i ordered the bundle of 25 as it was less shipping per tree.
I needed some for a new property where I haven't really prepped for an orchard yet. I was 50/50 on whether or not I could get off work until a couple days before. I figured it would be too late when I got the green light on vacation, but happened to stumble on this. I actually order most of my trees from Grandpa's but never noticed they sold rootstock. The shipping was a bit steep, but I look at it as the cost of 1 grafted tree. We put 25 in at the new property with window screen, combitubes and lumite. In August I will T-bud and next May change the tubes to cages. Grandpa's saved me a year