Atlantic White Cedar Cause CAR?


5 year old buck +
I’m picking up some seedlings from the DEC tree sale tomorrow in NY. I’ve got some real wet areas and I was looking for evergreens to plant in them and they had Atlantic white cedar. But then I started thinking about CAR.

I tried researching on the internet, didn’t find much. So that’s my question. Will Atlantic white cedar cause CAR to all my apples and pears I’ve planted?
Junipers and red cedars hold the disease. If you have red cedars with-in a quarter of a mile or so, you got a source of rust.

I have some roughly 50 year old mcintosh trees in the hudson valley, thy get those spots. But they keep trucking on.

The best bet is to buy disease resistant varieties. I try to buy them, but I also buy trees to make cider. You can make cider from disease resistant vraieties, but I have some specific classic species I wanted. Hrarison, roxbury russet, golden delicious., and granny smith. Forgot if hewe's is CAR resistant or not. Just need to spray anti-fungals a few times in the spring. Some trees get hit hard, some less, and some varieties show no effect. I have a spot near canajoharie I can hunt and plant trees alongside the fields and have trees at a cam pni the adirondacks. They'll all disease resistant varieties. Mostly kerr, redfield, and nursery specific crabapples.

Common ones liberty, enterprise, kerr, freedom, and many others. My little patch I have liberty, enteprise, empire, trailman, franklin cider, chestnut and crabapples like droptine, crossbow, big dog, 30-06. all winter hangover. Many nurseries have their own specialty varieties. Even members on here have their own, like signal fire.

Big box stores have liberty in NY. I believe red delcious varieties have resistance too.

I planted some antnovka bareroots last year, their first roun of leaves were riddled with rust real bad. Thought a few wouldnt make it, The 2nd round of leaf grrowth that 1st year cleared righted up.

Make sure you cage those white cedars. I didnt in 2017 and they got gobbles up in no time.