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Army Worms

I hope to never see them!
I built a nice pond this summer and seeded the dam and nearby disturbed areas in early August. It greened up nicely then went downhill quickly. I blamed lack of rain. Re-seeded and the same thing started happening. I noticed a thick patch where I spilled seed was mowed down to stubs. Got down on all fours and found little 3/8 to 1/2" long dark caterpillars were decimating the place. I ran to town and got some Sevin which seems to have worked, but will overseed with more rye and fescue this weekend. I assume they were fall armyworms.
I had army worms that could have destroyed my brassicas, a couple falls ago. I caught them early and dusted the food plot with Dipel dust. Dusted one day, went back the next and found army worms dead throughout the plot. Plot rebounded and the deer ate them to the ground.
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Had them in a plot last fall. New seeding of clover and oats. Looked decent, went and checked the plot a week later and it was almost gone. Oats eaten down to stubble.

Sept 10th:


Sept 16th:


Sept 17th:
