Arborvitae cuttings???


Anyone ever try growing these from cuttings? Is it possible?

My folks have some mature ones as a road screen and I thought they may work well for some of my needs as well. I would have access to all the cuttings I essentially wanted, but have never grown anything from a cutting before and I was not sure it could be done with an evergreen.
Let us know if you try. I'm surprised no one has chimed in on this.
I have tried this using sand and didn’t have great results. Was hoping to see some root growth then put in some sort of soil. I def want to keep trying
I've done alright with green giant arborvitae. Maybe a 50%success rate, but when they are free, who cares! I just put them in potting soil that stays moist. YouTube has a bunch of videos like these from Mike Kincaid.
I've done alright with green giant arborvitae. Maybe a 50%success rate, but when they are free, who cares! I just put them in potting soil that stays moist. YouTube has a bunch of videos like these from Mike Kincaid.
What time of year do you prefer? Summer cuttings or hardwood cuttings in the winter
I cut them in the spring