Apple Tree Mound

Mike O

5 year old buck +
Have some bare root apple trees coming in the spring for behind the house. I have carfuly picked out where I want them but one spot is on the wet side. Not standing water but wet soil for parts of the summer. I had a tree in that area a few years ago and it died so I suspect root rot got it. I have read about people building up a mound and planting fruit trees to get the roots up out of the wet. How wide would somthing like that need to be?
At least twice as wide as it is tall. It is a LOT of dirt. I would get it in place ASAP, as they have a tendency to settle.
What do you have to work with, tractor? There is things you can do to cut down on water Subsoiler, drainge trrenches.

Also, rootstock have different tolerances for wet soil. Might be better to purchase a specific rootstock. Let it live for a year, then graft.

This nursery has the most varied rootstock supply. It would be perfect if they had dolgo and P18 to the list, but having the popular commercial types and antonovka is nice. I got heavy soils that do get wet. I went with M111 mostly at home. Antonovka might be a decent choice too. I buy that for cold hardiness in a camp in zone 3 northern NY.

P18 and trascendent crabapple have been dicussed on here. Seems they might work too. Not sure if cummins sold out of P18 or just didnt offer it this year.

Willis has trascendent crabapple. I have it in my nursery for 1 year, so cant comment on it really. But, they have domestic crabapple, domestic apple, dolgo, and trascendent crabaaple bareroots on their inventory.

Keep the area around it short elps dry it out. Maybe do not mulch around the tree.

I put drainage trnaches in my backyard to mitigate flooding. Run a few passes with a rototiller and rake the soil away helps alot. Even if you cant make the water run away, evenly distributing it to slightly higher ground via the trenches helps.

IF you got a good enough tracotr running a subsoiler is good too.

Trading an optimal sun spot for a bit higher ground might be a sound idea, if you have that option.