Anyone watching Wrestlemania 31 tonight?


5 year old buck +
Should be a big one...

Ha ha
It was an epic show tonight.
It was an epic show tonight. in landing on Omaha Beach in the 1st wave on June 6th, 1944? Or in sitting at home in your sweat pants stuffing your face with Cheetos watching 3 hours of fake wrestling? :D

Just giving you a little good natured rib jabbing. ;) I will say this...Ronda Rousey is hot! Wouldn't mind going a few rounds with her. I'm sure she'd kick my arse!
"31!" Wow am I old! I remember watching that stuff as a kid and the first Westlemania was a big deal!

It was a much bigger deal for my little brother than me when I learned it wasn't "real". I "About killed him" (his words not mine) when I gave him a DDT on the livingroom floor! He was damn near unconscious - Mom was PISSED! Turns out in my house a DDT lead to an entirely different type of belt!